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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Amazing, just amazing!
  2. Best value overall athat's readily available and reasonably priced is the Bass Pro Pro Qualifier suit.
  3. This topic is continually raised and for good reason, it's something every angler needs. In my opinion a really good gore tex rain suit is the best and most important investment an angler can make. Even moreso than rods/reels etc. Spend the money once and buy something good. You will never regret it.
  4. Congratulations!
  5. BTW, happy birthday dude, have a good one!!
  6. Next time send me your money instead Adam. I'll dip into my excess and put a couple of mystery bags together for you.
  7. Looking good! How hard was it to drill into the granite?
  8. This all makes sense now. .
  9. Way to go boys.
  10. Nice bunch of fish man! Surprised at the temps...350km's north of Pickle Lake last week they were 70 degrees LOL!
  11. I like the Pro Qualifier suit way better too. Also bear in mind I can get you a deal on the suit I was wearing on the White River fly in.
  12. Glad it all worked out for you Doug! Windsor is an interesting body of water that few have had the opportunity to fish. One day I'll return myself...
  13. Sweet! I predict a couple of overnight steelheading trips will be happening this fall.
  14. Some decisions to be made? You and your family belong in the north, that's probably where you need to be. Nice pic's as usual, thanks.
  15. Should have something up by the weekend guys. I have 41/2 hours of video to sift through and edit and hundreds of photos. Plus I have an actual job that takes up 40 hours of my time. Just spoke to the camp owner and plans are already in the works for a return trip next year, and there's very few places that would compel me to do that.
  16. If I can find some money in the budget it's entirely feasible. I'm a writer not a photographer.
  17. Wow I think I want to hire you to be my personal photographer.
  18. Those two pictures are incredible. I'm sure you'll get the big girls next time Lew.
  19. Just a teaser guys, at the moment I'm bursting to talk about this trip LOL! In a nutshell I just had the best fishing trip of my life, no lie. I was at North Caribou Lake in far northwestern ON with my family last week and words literally cannot describe the experience. The lake is vast, 81,000 acres and teems with fish. I set the camp record for most pike over 40" caught by one angler in a week. Walleye fishing believe it or not was even better. Detailed report will be started today.
  20. Can vouch for both the lake (incredible!) and Doug. If I had the time I'd be all over this.
  21. I met Charlie Wray by pure happenstance on Monday morning. He was stumbling into the terminal at Hamilton Airport at 5am with a bunch of bags and rod tubes as I was walking out with a coffee. Really nice guy, very genuine. He was on his way to Saskatchewan to fish Cree Lake. I told him I'm fishing Cree in September and he said he'd pass along any insights to me. We chatted for quite a while comparing travel schedules (I have him beat LOL!)
  22. It's all about the coffee for me, fish are secondary. Here's my new morning duo.
  23. Good deal for sure! Enjoy your trip Lew, here's hoping the weather cooperates for you.
  24. Outstanding, congratulations! And I agree with you about moms.
  25. Just thought this was worth noting. Someone emailed me who's flown into this lake twice before. According to him there were half a dozen fish in the teens caught and 3 over 20, largest was 26lb's. Interestingly this guy only fishes the lake in the summer with steel line. Kind of surprising but maybe not as there's a couple of well defined deep basins that the fish would be more concentrated in.
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