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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Some interesting comments.. Way back in the day I worked for a popular Canadian fishing show. Did they have special privelages to fish out of season? No. Did they fish out of season? Yes. Did they enjoy privelages that your average person didn't? Of course. One such example: They filmed a show deep in Algonquins interior. Anyone else it would've taken a full day of paddling/portaging to reach this lake.. Them? They gained permission from the park to drive in on atv's LOL! Actually even filmed the trip in as well.
  2. Wow what a nice fish! Can't remember but do you ice fish in front of your place? I'd be building a hut if you don't have one yet.
  3. Hey next time don't email me at 9pm the night before you're going! (glad to see you had a good day)
  4. Definitely don't envy you buddy. Not much snow up there yet eh?
  5. Nothing much changes I'll tell you that, crowds have always been horrendous. Lots -o- pic's but no scanner so you'll have to wait for that.. (And yeah unless you've got a legit report the bronte threads are a bit tiresome)
  6. Are you sure you shot it or did your new Goodyear tires do the job? ( Sorry couldn't resist)
  7. Cool, glad to see you made it out Cliff. 'Tis the season...I'm just about ready to go at it full bore, we'll have to get out together soon. Have yourself a great thanksgiving!
  8. Some great pic's there Jo, looks a typical fall day on the bay. You'll get 'em next time.
  9. WTG bud looks like you're in your element up there. Nice fish and even nicer boat!
  10. Jay, are you kidding me? That's incredible man, congrat's!
  11. In your neck of the woods....that is northern shield country, they can be a tough, tough nut to crack. You're undoubtedly experiencing a very common post fall turnover lull. When the lakes turn over in the fall the fish scatter and the bite becomes tough. Once things settle down the bite is generally still tough. Yes they'll invade the shallows on occasion (look for any sort of semi green weed. Yes they chase suspended baitfish and you can catch them trolling. However the best advice I can give considering where you're from is fish DEEP with oversized live minnows. Possibly deeper than you've ever fished before. Many if not most of your favourite "classic" walleye spots, (points, saddles, humps) in 15-25' depths will seem devoid of fish. You'll fish hard all day at this time of year and come up empty. That's because you should've been fishing depths of 35 up to 50' You'll need a good stiff rod and braid of some kind. Easiest way to rig is a large jighead with a stinger hook. Last week of September up at my camp I had great success using 3-5" sucker minnows on 3/4 to 1oz heads with an appropriate stinger (if you don't use a stinger you'll miss most fish 'cause of the minnows size). I was fishing a deep clay/sand flat in water that was averaging 40' deep. The problem fishing this type of water is obvious...if you reel the fish in too fast their air bladder will be sticking out their mouth. You have to try and reel the fish in slowly to avoid this. If it happens you either have to keep the fish or "fizz" the bladder with a hypo before release. I'll be up there this weekend and I can guarantee you I'll be catching 'eyes hand over fist using the exact same techniques. Should note: use your fish finder on manual with the sensitivity punched up a bit and search for the fish. Spend some time combing the bottom 'till you find decent concentrations of fish, then break out the minnows. As an alternative to live bait sometimes jigging spoons work wonders. Fished clean right off the bottom, as vertical as possible with sharp snaps...the hits are violent. Good luck man.
  12. Emil that's great! Did you make it up north in late September?
  13. AHAHAHAHA! Me too man, I'm making myself laugh. I think a road trip is in order.
  14. See? Someone else knows the ways of the manther! Twinkies, Ho Ho's, Ding Dongs....whatever, manthers love 'em all. Beware the FUPA!!
  15. Apparantly manthers like bright shiny things and brown tee shirts! HAHAHA! I don't normally organize my lures like that. I was baiting for the manther and figured a giant shiny clump would be more attractive... Guess it worked
  16. BAHAHAHA! He's devious beast Wayne you'd best be on your guard.
  17. What can I say? I was inspired by Doug's post and thought I'd share my own cam pic's. I've had a rash of thefts lately down by the dock. Small shiny things usually....although a pack of chewing gum and a box of Twinkies mysteriously disappeared last week. Unnerved by the happenings I installed a camera and was able to capture this incredible footage! The regular cam produced a blurry but disturbing image: When the infrared kicked in this startling image materialized: Apparantly the rare and ellusive manther is attracted to musky baits!
  18. Doug didn't we argue about cougars (the 4 legged variety) last month? I still don't believe it.
  19. Any feedback is good feedback. On my end I didn't know DTV existed, I think I'll go take a look.
  20. Check out Mountain Equipment Co-op. Shipping is usually free so it doesn't really matter that there's not one close to you.
  21. Echoing Raf, a good goretex suit is the best fishing related purchase you will ever make. Spend the money you won't regret it.
  22. Thanks for being involved. Hats off to everyone else and a big thank you as well! That was great to read.
  23. Very nice Connie, seems the moon phase is treating you good as well. (But you do look cold in that picture. )
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