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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Holy cow that is fat, wow! I've caught 21" brookies that were slightly over 5lb's and I thought they were fat.
  2. Right on buddy, nice fish! (And a nice little warm up for next week. )
  3. I agree. The marketing gurus at Molson's are genius's. A man after my own heart.
  4. Makes me want to run down to the beer store and buy a case of Canadian.
  5. You just made my morning, thanks.
  6. First off congrat's on the seemingly short learning curve using the fly rod. Well done! Thanks for taking the time to share your success, you've done damn good for someone just learning the ropes.
  7. I dunno guys. Over the years I've fished a lot of untouched waters in the far north. Specifically referring to walleye's here, yes, you'll catch lots without bait. Sometimes you'll catch them hand over fist. Even on the most virgin waters you'll still catch substantially more fish by tipping your jig with a worm or minnow though. Especially when you're not catching them hand over fist. IMO you're selling your success short by not bringing at least a flat of worms along.
  8. Outstanding report, thanks for sharing the info!
  9. Wow what a perfect setup. I'm starting to hate you guys that live up north.
  10. He should still be able to go. My fingers are crossed for the both of you that he'll be in a walking cast.
  11. Really? I had no idea, just stumbled onto it. Definitely works.
  12. No, but that's an interesting thought. When the hatch is on full bore I've had my best luck with brown or brown and orange twister tails tipped with a worm. The last couple of years a tiny chunk of crawler pulled slowly behind the boat on a slow death hook has been deadly as well. (Specifically on mud flats where the fish are keying on emerging nymphs)
  13. I usually always bring a flat of worms on my fly ins. Repack the worms in moistened bedding (shredded newspsper kind) and keep them in your styrofoam container. Obviously you'll have smaller worm boxes to fill and bring in the boat with you. Store the worm container in a totally shaded spot outdoors with a sopping wettowel draped over. Evaporation works wonders. Check the bedding occasionally making sure it stays moist. I've kept worms like this many times with no refrigeration on week long trips.
  14. In fairness to Billy Bob I've seen a ridiculous number of bears in that area the last couple of summers. Since the spring hunt was cancelled the population has exploded. Still, it would never disuade me from planning a trip up there. Heck you're talking to someone who was stalked and chased by 3 polar bears up near Hudsons Bay years ago and I'd go back in a heartbeat.
  15. I don't need that, mine are already perfumed.
  16. Emil are you sure you want a crush course? Yikes your poor kids!
  17. You're right it's waaay too dangerous. Everyone should stay away!
  18. You're related to the Allison's? If I'm remembering right they aquired it from Ketchunenny.
  19. Fantastic! I actually do have a specific lake in mind. I should probably pick your brain a bit to see if you're familiar with it.
  20. Tyler are any of the roads ditched off by the mnr? I would assume that at least some of the lakes are off limits because of outfitter camps.
  21. Have heard nothing but good things about the camp. Fishing on Bisco is okay...not great. I assume you're looking at this as a cheaper alternative to a fly in? IMO Ramsey lake which feeds Bisco is a much better walleye lake. There's one camp on Ramsey. Personally I've never stayed at it, only camped on the lake, but have heard good things: http://www.rayscamps.com/ In the same region and imo opinion a much better alternative to either is Wenebegon Lake west of Ramsey. Five Mile lake lodge has a remote outpost on this generally inaccessable lake. They take you in with atv's to a boat cache where you then motor to their outpost camp. Very remote, very good walleye fishing. http://www.fivemilelake.com/chapleau-outpost-camps.htm
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