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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Local Cree know this creature as an Omajinaakoos, which roughly translates to “ugly one”. Kinda like the local girl I "dated" very briefly when I was living in Kapuskasing.
  2. Rotted or not this doesn't look like a muskrat to me LOL!
  3. No one is downplaying your concerns. On the other hand you're coming across as bit of a jackass.
  4. I paddled through Big Trout Lake in my travels. There were some pretty hideous looking local inhabitants but nothing like that.
  5. What's funny, when we were in Cuba I fished right off the rocky point just to the left of where they launched that thing.
  6. That's surprising to me at least. If there's one place that's heavily patrolled and enforced it's Mountsberg. On another note I have a different perspective on the reservoir in general. I grew up in Carlisle and as a very young boy the trout fishing in the creek that exited the reservoir had great fishing. The reservoir, sitting at the headwaters slowly warmed the entire system and bass and panfish soon overran the creek. I've always disliked Mountsberg for that reason alone.
  7. Agreed on the minnows especially early and late in the season. If you're a resident of ON you can bring a few traps and catch your own. That's what I've always done on fly ins. A lot lighter than flying in mass quantities of minnows.
  8. Good advice. The only thing I'll add, the Ottawa is a river. Walleye in rivers always relate to current. Look for any obvious current breaks (islands, rockpiles, underwater humps, etc..) anchor behind them and probe the bottom with a jig and lively minnow.
  9. I rig mine with a Lindy type sinker and about 4' of lead. The length of the lead is very much dependent on water clarity. For what it's worth these rigs and style of fishing have worked for me, but only seasonaly. The faster presentation and twirling action of the worm worked best for me in the summer months when water temps were highest and fish metabolism at it's peak. This time of year I'm partial to more slower presentations and minnows as opposed to worms.
  10. Funny I was just thinking I need to build a pergola at my new place. I'm packing this weekend. Hope you have a good one.
  11. Thanks for the reply. My first thought is you have one massive basement LOL! Don't think you're right though. There's also a less than 1 year old standard air conditioner installed outside this house.
  12. Sounds and looks perfect Lew, you're a lucky man.
  13. Ironically that works for me every time as well.
  14. Seriously that should be published. What a great story!
  15. Thanks everyone! I have to tell you, I dream about paddling solo in the middle of nowhere again for months on end. But now with actual responsibilites, kids, wife, mortgage, etc, I think those days are gone. It's shorter trips like this one though that keep me sane.
  16. Man that was great, very nice fish! Beyond the fish 2 things stood out. 1. That's quite a mop of red hair your lad has! 2. Boy you sure do have a lot of grass to cut.
  17. Good old 100mph tape. Use it all the time but not for this application. That's the safest and best thing to do. As mentioned the bungee cords worked just fine for me and I drove 1000's of km's with the boat on the roof.
  18. Thanks buddy. It's funny you mention Attawapiskat. After the deal was finalized my wife called me and expressed some, um, "reservations" that I'm still going on this trip. I agreed with her, said you know you're right I probably shouldn't go with a June 25th closing. Told her I'd call the boys tomorrow and let 'em know. Then she pauses and says, no you really should go, I know it's important to you etc, etc.. Women I love my wife.
  19. I used to put a 14' tinny on the roof of my 2 door Blazer LOL! All I ever did was bungee 2X4's to the roof rack. With the weight of the boat pushing down and tied down well it was solid. Never moved an inch.
  20. I think it's pretty new technology at least in this area. I'm just not sure if it's any good. I hate being a guinea pig.
  21. Cliff that sounds like a summer spot. The fish are most likely in transition right now. Cloudy windy days fish shallow warmer water with weedlines in 6-12'. Bluebird days fish the closest dropoff to any known spawning areas. The fish will generally meander along shorelines taking their time enroute to their established summer haunts. Prominent main lake points will stall them and hold fishable numbers this time of year when they're migrating.
  22. John that's not it at all. It's hooked up in conjunction with a standard water heater. I think there's simply a coil/heat exchanger in the outlet duct of the furnace that's fed from the hot water tank. Think of it as a giant version of a car heater. Actually bud as the crow flies my new place is precisely 3.9km from your front door.
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