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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Amazing Jay, looks like a perfect trip.
  2. PM sent. Women I'll be portaging into a back lake (hopefully filled with huge walleyes) with my squareback and 2hp motor. You should have a great time at Esnagi. Great lodge and good lake. Cheers
  3. So early Sat morning I was sitting in front of the computer with my coffee when I stumbled across a great deal. Someone local to me was selling a 10X10 pergola with a custom made canvas awning for $200 . I had no plans for anything strenuous this weekend, other than prepping for my trip to White River on Wednesday. I couldn't pass it up though. The only glitch was it had to be dismantled. I called the person up, told them I'd take it and headed over with my tools. It took me 31/2 hours to get the darn thing apart, some of the lag bolts were impossible to remove. Of course it poured rain the entire time I was there and the backyard was an unfinished mud pit. I was covered head to toe with muck and sweat LOL! I got 'er done though. Got it home then spent the balance of Sat and most of Sun building it. Had to replace the lattice on top but that wasn't a big deal. Gave the wood a quick sanding and a coat of stain and got it together. My wife loves it (minus the awning...she hates the awning ). I like it though. The back of the house was kind of bare, we needed something there. I've been working like a dog recently, this week it's time to fish again. Headed north of White River on Wednesday for trophy walleye, can't wait.
  4. Good morning gentlemen. I'm looking forward to work today... I need a break from the projects I've been tackling at home. Have a good one!
  5. Thanks Jacques. The only time I can catch whities on my lake is in the evenings, late June/early July when the mayfly hatch is on and they're rising. I've marked massive schools on my electronics down deep in 60 plus feet of water and can't for the life of me catch them. I've tried vertical jigging with a bunch of different lures (Bad Boyz, small Williams with a pearl trailer, Swedish Pimples, Jigging Raps) and havn't caught a damn thing. Cracking that summer fishery is my personal white elephant.
  6. That's what I thought, I'll let Joanne know tonight. It's a walk in smoker already when I sneak in there every morning to have a butt with my coffee. Brownie points are hard to come by in this house.
  7. If I'm still half as good as my dad at his age I'll be in good shape.
  8. From a distance yeah. Up close it's not perfect. I'm sure Mike Holmes would raze the entire thing to the ground LOL! Antlers are on the way. By the time I'm done with it I probably could rent it out. I have big plans for the inside...fridge, stereo system, some suitable furniture, etc, etc. It's gonna be my outside man cave.
  9. When we first moved into the house last month the shed in the backyard was a huge unfinished eyesore. It's big,(16'X8') and looms over the backyard. As I mentioned last week I had just finished the soffit and fascia on the shed in my backyard. Last weekend I put new siding on then stained it on Monday and Tuesday. Well this morning I just put new hardware on the newly sanded and painted doors (there's a door on each end of the shed) and I'm done for the moment. I have two windows that I'll install next month when I have more time, but for now it's a world of difference (although Joanne said last night that she doesn't like the stain, "It's too orange" apparantly). Sometimes you just can't win. Before: After:
  10. It happens to everyone no doubt. Personally I found it hilarious though. I'm sure things will be take a turn for the better. As far as my dad goes he's still more than capable 90% of the time (he has his own business and still puts in 60 hour weeks). That's what makes these mishaps even funnier.
  11. The rods were fantastic Chris, absolutely incredible.
  12. For my entite life dad has been my inspiration and my hero. As he's aged he's slipped a tiny little bit and I worry about him. (Especially when he's at a water access camp with my mother 7 hours north). He's still a tough old dude though.
  13. So I'm talking to my dad last night to see how things are going. Him and my mother have been up at the camp for the last few days. Even with the low water there are no rock hazzards in my lake. Apparantly though 2 days ago my dad smashed into a huge one and screwed up the lower end on my almost new 40hp Yamaha. "Where did it happen?" I asked. "It was those rocks in front of the cabin" he says. "What, you mean the small island? You hit the island?" I ask in disbelief. "Yes the island!" he sputters. "Okaaaay", says I, "What's wrong with the motor, how badly is it damaged?". "Well the forward and neutral gear doesn't work anymore, so I had to backtroll the boat back to the marina!" (This is about 8km away ) "Did you get the boat to a mechanic?" I ask. "I was going to, but then I realized I left my trailer hitch at home!" "So what did you do?" "I grabbed one of Perry's extra boats then left a message on his cel asking if he could tow the boat into town for me. (Perry owns/runs the slips where my boat is moored and is a friend). "Okay then" says I, "I'll keep my fingers crossed". "So beyond that how has everything else been going?" "Not good" says my dad. "What do you mean? What else has happened?" (By this time I'm starting to get nervous). "Well yesterday I had a huge leech on my big toe!" "So what?!" I say laughing. "Well we couldn't get the damn thing off and it inflamed my gout!" He practically yells. "It got so bad your mother had to drive me to the hospital in Kirkland Lake!" (Picture George Castanza's dad yelling now ) By this time I'm laughing at him, and that made him angrier. "On the way back from the hospital the front left tire blew out on my van!!" "OMG, really?!", I say. "YES REALLY! AND MY SPARE TIRE WAS FLAT TOO!" "Okay, okay calm down. How did you get the tire fixed?" "I called CAA. They came, but it took hours. We just got back to the camp 15 mins ago. I've got to go, I need a drink! I'll call you tomorrow!!". (I hope my motor is okay, guess I'll find out today. )
  14. Havn't had any luck with google. Does anyone know if there is an ABU rep in Ontario I can deal with directly? The line guide on my brand new Revo Toro stopped functioning on the 2nd day of my Attawapiskat trip last month. Was not too pleased. I know Aikmens in Mississauga is the repair center for this area, but I'd prefer to deal directly with someone from ABU.
  15. Wow, what fish! Better grab one or two of those live target perch's.
  16. Not really (this is the Gullrock in NW Ontario). Beautiful fish, congrat's to your better half!
  17. You got that right. No kid of mine fishes with anything less. I'm sure we fish a lot of the same lakes then. Many of the smaller back lakes I fish are actually in ON. Definitely no minnows in QC, although the only time I miss using them is late fall. The rest of the year worms and leaches work fine. Thanks for the kind words everyone.
  18. I know it's weird. I have no idea what happened there! Mod's please remove the 2nd post!
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