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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Not exactly new, but Basstrix hollow bodied swimbaits. If you can find them.
  2. As soon as I read your post I thought adjust the idle. Wayne I think you're on the right track. Agree with the seafoam as well, especially if it's an older 2 stroke. Even if the problem isn't caused by a carbon build up seafoam is a great idea. It really works.
  3. So true. Shopping at that little hole in the wall is a highlight of the trip every time.
  4. Looks like a good time as usual guys. Very glad to see you managed to drag Chris up there!
  5. It's considerably cheaper in QC. Wait 'till you get there.
  6. They're not otters, they're Omajinaakoos (with facial fur). When ya gonna get the big boat out?
  7. What a great spot. Nice report man.
  8. Wow what a great spot Dan! I'd like to pick your brain a bit about the pergola if I could.
  9. Cool report, thanks for taking the time.
  10. Nothing wrong with that, nice gators!
  11. Nice fish bud! (your cottage clothes are fine)
  12. I'm picturing a bunch of dufusses running around like "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" trying to bust people.
  13. Actually for most of the province bass are open year round. One of my favourite spring pastimes up at the camp is targeting spring smallies on topwater baits.
  14. Still have a couple of Fireplugs somewhere. Lots of Tadpolly's, they're deadly (and still sold). Good call on the Fishback!
  15. That's all fine and dandy, but pickeral aren't being discussed. Re-read the post title, we're talking pickreal here. Pickreal are a little known subspecies of Walleye native only to a few very isolated pockets of ON. Generally angled for by illiterate hayseeds.
  16. Spots like that are priceless. Great story, although I'd love a pic of the 16"er.
  17. Great vid buddy! So what did the pike prefer, Tueros or Monte Cristo?
  18. Not much to add beyond the fact I think you picked a very good destination! From what I've heard it's a great resort, and you can't beat the location. Good luck and I'm looking forward to hearing how you made out.
  19. It's no wonder there's so many large pike with such an abundance of soft finned forage. Well done!
  20. I know what's up with most of the guys except Snag. I miss that guys reports!
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