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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. You're definitely an artist, wow! How'd you get the horses to pose?
  2. If Rouyn Noranda was close enough you could use my place Marvin. A little out of the way though I think.
  3. 100 in a season is a true testament to you your skill, congrat's.
  4. Ryan to be slightly more specific they're a type of mayfly. Growing up in Sudbury you surely must have seen the slightly larger green drake hatch in June/early July? They call them fishflies up north.
  5. Impressive fish to say the least! (And some good pointers on where/how in your replies)
  6. The marketing gurus at WFN are geniuses.
  7. Great read and video Simon. Seems you did okay despite your claim of slow fishing. Just a thought..but in my experience if the lake has turned over already you might find concentrations of fish in 40-50' flats. It's a dangerous pattern as you either have to reel the fish up super slowly or fizz them before you throw them back.
  8. I say if you've got it spend it! Quoted from the article: "The library has walls panelled in wood from butternut trees. “It’s hard to get. That’s what we learned during the construction,” Mr. Bell says of the butternut." Of course it's hard to get butternut wood! If it wasn't hard to get every hovel inhabited by the unwashed masses would be lined with it! Excuse me now, I have to get back to my puppy mill.
  9. You didn't run diesel through it did you?
  10. Condolences Marvin. Glad to hear he had a chance to meet your little girl. It's your job now to make sure she learns all about her great grand dad.
  11. Albert, Albert, Albert... I'm feeling your pain. Hope it gets sorted out quickly.
  12. Seems like it's becoming a tradition with you guys. Looks like a blast, glad to see you were able to go bud.
  13. Great report, looks like a perfect family holliday!
  14. Great summer Tyler, the Chapleau trip looked like a blast! I'll be in your neck of the woods later this month. Gonna squeeze a bit of brookie fishing in before she closes.
  15. Well done considering the adverse weather you faced! Have to say this probably deserved it's own post. Cheers
  16. Great story and picture Connie, thanks.
  17. I thought I had commented then was unable to see my reply so I replied again. Was pretty sure I was losing my mind, but apparantly not LOL!
  18. If it was part of the Saugeen watershed pike have been there as long as the trout. (just a guess)
  19. This could morph into an OFC style rorschach test. There's a lot of things that could be.
  20. Well done! We got into a whackload yesterday as well.(Currently icing down my right arm. ). Not overly chromy, but man they're a lot of fun to catch. We'll have to get together for some serious chromage later this fall.
  21. Very cool! Looking forward to the show.
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