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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Finally got around to checking out your report. Wow man, some of those photos are fantastic! It's truly beautiful country up there and you captured it well. Great fishing as well, nice job.
  2. Could we see a pic of the carving?
  3. What happened to the bag full you bought from Epps? It's a deadly lure no doubt.
  4. Thanks for taking the time to post that bud! Excellent read, I'm really glad to see you guys did okay especially considering the weather.
  5. That's exactly what we're gonna do. All is not lost, but I'd definitely rather be catching brookies.
  6. Our trip fell through. 80-100mm of rain kind of puts a "damp"er on things.
  7. Fantastic Doug! That is just freaking awesome that your dad caught big fish of each species! That junction pool was a hotspot in June as well, seems it still is. Glad to see it worked out well for everyone in your party. Bad weather or not it's paradise up there.
  8. Good luck in your quest, the recent rains should provide a window of good angling for you before the season closes. In fairness to the other guys....their responses were perfectly legitimate especially considering your question.
  9. I'm beginning to dread opening your posts. Serious esox envy here. That first fish is either sick or dying of old age.
  10. Great capper to your day man, beautiful fish.
  11. Looks like a great time, beautiful country up there.
  12. An enormous loss for sure. Agreed. The Leafs will go as far as Giggy and Gusto carry them.
  13. It's a great idea. If there are any walleye left to catch.
  14. These guys have some great prices: http://www.overstockbait.com/
  15. Mike, Mike Mike. Waaaay too analytical. An innate ability can't be taught. You either have the Kavorka or you don't.
  16. Yep, they did a great job and it was very reasonable. I'd bring it to North Bay and have them refurbish it.
  17. Caledonia, stolen car capital of Canada. That's the sad truth. My dad's truck was stolen in a Costco parking lot a few years back and ended up in....Caledonia. A good friend also had his truck stolen from a Costco parking lot and it also ended up in.....Caledonia. It seems to be a common theme. In any case I'm sorry to hear of your troubles Gerritt.
  18. Right on, so they are starting to congregate then. It's funny I've got a couple dozen larger Doctor spoons, they're my favourite pike spoon bar none. Never used them in smaller sizes for spec's but I guess I'll have to now.
  19. Wow what an amazing report! Timely as well since I'm headed to your neck of the woods later this week hoping for some of the same. What I find interesting, you described catching them all over the lake. Obviously they're not congragating over the upwelling springs yet? (At least in that lake) Normally this time of year I catch all the fish in one very localized spot close to where they'll spawn. I can only assume the water temps must still be too high? Based on the spoon/worm you were using did you mostly troll for them? That is a deadly, time honoured technique for sure. (Looked like a gold Doctor spoon you were using?) In any case congrat's dude, and thanks for whetting my appetite.
  20. Kudos to you sir! What you did there takes a bit of skill.
  21. Doug does this mean you shot a bear up at Eddie's last week? I'd love to hear how your trip went.
  22. Outstanding, thanks for taking the time to post that Mike!
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