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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Love EGB's but they tarnish like crazy! And no they don't work as well either. I've cleaned many an EGB with silver polish successfully - the stuff you use for silverware. Careful if it's a copper EGB (my favorite). You can rub the copper finish right off.
  2. Well done to everyone involved!
  3. Definitely a whirlwind - and a lot of driving! Bet there was a forest of fast food garbage in your back seat LOL!
  4. Right on man, nice bunch of fish! What did you catch 'em on?
  5. Nice backyard! I would assume that creek flows into the Rainy River. It should be an early season hotspot! Beyond that things could get tough if the water drops and gets too warm. Glad to hear you found a couple.
  6. Looks like fun! Had considered floating it myself on the Sunday of the opener but bailed because the numbers of fish that passed through the lift at Denny's was pretty low. (also fwiw it's a Huron trib, not a Georgian Bay trib )
  7. Just have your wife or girlfriend enter and hope she brings you if you win LOL!
  8. Can you make a bladed jig, something like this? http://www.northlandtackle.com/Category/main.taf?cat=167 Put me down for a bunch if you can. Love the extra flash in the tanin stained waters I fish up north.
  9. Yes, but many lakes west and north of Nakina are already ice free. There's still lots of ice but it's in very bad shape. Some info for you guys. Remember last springs historically late ice out? Brace Lake was the ONLY outfitter who still flew in on the opener. They had to fly the plane in from Geraldton because Cordingly Lake in Nakina was still frozen. Why? Because Brace Lake warms up faster than any other lake in the region. It's always the first lake to be ice free. I'm pretty sure it's going to go way before May 12, fwiw .
  10. Thought this was worth posting. Brace Lake is running a contest - in fact they just launched it - to win a free fly in trip during the 2015 season. They're asking people to guess when a lure they have lying on the ice completely falls through. Very few people have entered and it won't be long before the ice goes, so pretty decent odds. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Brace-Lake-Outfitters/147981611920988?fref=nf&pnref=story
  11. We'd have to charter a Cessna to fly in the big green egg.
  12. Weekend meat orgy. Love the big green egg! For what it's worth I stumbled upon a fantastic South African wine recently that goes well with the meat. Honey Badger....
  13. I knew that. Why do you think you get more bites by yourself with the bait running higher?
  14. Interesting. Why do you think that is?
  15. That's my kind of opener, wtg buddy!
  16. If this isn't kosher then by all means mod's remove the post. FWIW I'm getting nothing for this myself. Anyhow I'm going to be posting last minute trip specials on my website this year and a good number of outfitters (many of which you guys frequent) will be participating. They've just now started to trickle in and I thought you guys might be interested. Here's the link, it will be updated regularly: http://www.canadafishingguide.net/la...fishing-trips/
  17. HAHAHA! I can picture the reactions now. Great day all around!
  18. In no particular order.... Catch lots of big fish Install new hardwood in my living room Spend more time with my kids Have sex more than once a month Create a media empire That should cover it.
  19. In the summer brook trout typically hang out along the thermocline as well. A good graph will pinpoint the thermocline, but usually I just drop a thermometer down. And yeah, in my experience the trout cruise right along the thermocline in the summer. As far as smallmouth and brook trout coexisting, I don't believe it's possible unless you're talking put and take stocked waters. The introduction of bass in natural brook trout lakes is typically a death sentence. If the trout do survive the fishery will be a shadow of what it used to be.
  20. The Hambungler really crapped the bed last night, didn't he?
  21. My uncle passed two years ago now and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of him. Was nice seeing those pic's again.
  22. Both. And yeah he liked the old knucklebuster reels.
  23. That's pretty cool Chris. I'm trying to imagine what I'd think if I saw a young teen walking through my residential neighborhood making turkey gobbling noises LOL!
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