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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. It would help to know where it was caught. Some splake look remarkably similar to brook trout. If put on the spot I'd say splake because the tail doesn't look entirely square.
  2. The lad has talent! Very glad he'll be joining us in September Gerritt.
  3. Great stuff, can't wait to get out there myself.
  4. Oh boy Thanks everyone for replying. Riley is watching the responses and said to me this morning: "Daddy, why are there only 30 replies when 600 people read my report? They're probably just trying to think of something good to say!"
  5. No way I would have thrown that ling back! They're super yummy.
  6. Very nice Brian, and Wayne, that's the perfect size bait for spring pike.
  7. Well.....actually it might be the 6th or 7th place it gets wet.
  8. Well done buddy! Some decent pike for sure. I bet I know exactly where the motor currently in my basement will be de-virginized.
  9. Sweet is right. Looking forward to joining you.
  10. Great report Frank and definitely a beautiful area. I've been ice fishing up there (not that lake) for over 25 years. It truly is a gorgeous little corner of the province. I'm most likely headed to the Loring area later this month or early March, can't wait.
  11. Fantastic day, and no mishaps this time either!
  12. Well you quoted me and included this statement in your reply: "It's no surprise that those who support unlimited steelhead access are ones who do not fish the UC on a regular basis...it's easy to brush-off the fishery as trival when one does not utilize it. " That's just sad.
  13. Great stuff. I've got to get the kids over there this winter.
  14. Dave I'll wager I've fished those waters more than most over the years yourself included. I don't believe allowing steelhead access to those waters will harm native fisheries in the slightest. That pretty much ends the argument for me.
  15. No one wants to see "every" trib in Ontario managed for steelhead. We are however discussing one of the largest (if not the largest?) steelhead trib's on Ontarios north shore. Furthermore it sits smack dab in the middle of Mississauga, accessable to hundreds of thousands of urbanites. The intrinsic benefit of a healthy, wild run of steelhead in the Credit far outweighs any possible negative impacts. There are many examples even here in ON where migratory fish co-exist beautifully with wild natives. The upper reaches of the Ganaraska immediately spring to mind. That excuse doesn't fly with me. What's the definition of an eliteist? In this specific case user groups like Trout Unlimited and Izaac Walton represent a FRACTION of the populace. They're having a large say in the goings on, and unfortunately are only lobbying to further their own narrow minded agenda. Personally I call that elitist. (And for what it's worth I'm a fly fisherman)
  16. There's no doubt our MNR and the eggheads that run it pander to no one. They have their own agenda and to heck with the public at large. I agree, the money spent on Atlantic restoration could have been far better utilized elsewhere.
  17. Stocking is definitely not the answer. The fishery on the south shore is fun, but I'd rather catch 5 or 6 wild fish as opposed to 20 or 30 stockers any day. At the moment the most exciting development for Ontario steelheaders is the rebirth of the Saugeen, primarily because the fish now have access to miles of nursery waters.
  18. I'm pretty sure everyone involved with CRAA wants exactly what the rest of us want, a thriving natural run of steelhead. Unfortunately it seems wading through a quagmire of red tape slows down the process. At least the new ladder is a step in the right direction. At some point one can only hope migratory rainbows will have access to it. To me it's beyond stupid, but at least there's hope now.
  19. That's my girl. She did this 99% on her own, she's pretty computer savvy already. Should be a fun year.
  20. So you quit smoking, gained weight and take Cialis? Awesome. I'm spending a week in the bush with a big fat horny guy.
  21. Didn't realize lures were considered a forage base for the fish. I had no idea there was smelt in Nipissing either, although I rarely fish it anymore. That could explain a lot!
  22. Breaks up the boredom of a YK winter I suppose.
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