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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. I'm a bored masochist? I also love watching the Jackass movies. Can't explain why though, it's a compulsion of mine.
  2. Besides the two or three most vocal participants I don't think anyone has enjoyed this particular thread. Painful.
  3. How many of the elastic band/cutter things did you get for 35 bucks?
  4. That put a nasty picture in my mind, but I do agree. Personally I was thinking having my nose hairs pulled out with pliers would be more entertaining.
  5. If my family was under that kind of attack I'd have shot them. No if and or buts about it.
  6. Old news. Many of the larger manufacturers of wading boots now only sell boots with vibram type soles for this very reason.
  7. The ONLY place I've ever been swarmed by fire ants is the estuary at Bowmanville. Seems as though B-Ville is a hotspot.
  8. There's crown land on all of them, take your pick.
  9. Welcome! It's great to hear from enthusiastic young anglers like yourself.
  10. None that I worked at. After a while oddly shaped pieces of driftwood start to look strangely attractive.
  11. In retrospect it's highly probable that the MNR released all those cougars to cull the cormonart population. It's pretty obvious how that's working out.
  12. Working as a guide in southern ON is a far cry from working at a lodge during the open water season. Two totally different things. Working as a guide is a GREAT summer job...for a student, or a young unemployed fish bum like I was. I would never consider working at anything besides a high end fly in lodge. First off your pay is usually deposited directly into your bank account, so you're not spending any of it. Second the tips at that calibre of lodge are huge..IF you're up to the task and not just a glorified boat handler. Third, working at that type of lodge allows an avid young kid an experience he'd otherwise never be able to afford. If you're going to do it, think big. Great Bear lakers, Labrador brookies, whatever.
  13. Yeah it's hard, no doubt about that. I think you may be in the wrong line of work though.
  14. Marvin could you recommend a more obscure line? These guys currently have some wicked deals on monofilament line: http://www.overstockbait.com/ For the rod/reel you're asking about I'd probably go with 20 or 30lb Power Pro and a suitable leader.
  15. I was incredibly polite and well spoken, not nervous at all. Until I knew it was a lost cause then I got a bit lippy. Paid the price for it too. I agree with you 100% though, it is your right to request a hearing. What is it with some judges? They're so judgemental.
  16. The kicker was it was a nothing ticket. 68km in a 60km zone. I was in a huge lineup of heavy traffic, during a rainstorm at the time to boot. The cop jumped in front of my vehicle at the last second, motioning for me to go to the shoulder. After almost running him over I did. In court when it was my turn to question the officer I asked him: "Officer, is it possible a radar gun may not function properly during a rainstorm?" "Yes" he answered. I was like Perry Mason when I whipped out the hard copy evidence I had of rainfall amounts that day (I work at the weather office and have access to that info). I figured it was done and over with, that I'd won (boy was I wrong ) So the judge started lecturing me. As mentioned I asked him what gave him the right to be so judgemental LOL! Well, during his red faced diatribe about wasting the courts time, etc., etc, he says to me: "Nowhere in any of your statements did you say you actually weren't guilty of speeding!!" "Excuse me!" I interupted him again, "But doesn't pleading not guilty speak for itself?" After that there was a lot of red faced gavel banging and I pretty much tuned him out. The lady at the cashiers desk where I paid my fine said she'd never seen such a large fine tacked onto such a minor offense in 25 years working there.
  17. $500 for contempt of court. I was pretty much castrated.
  18. I did it when I was young and single. The pay's usually great, as are the tips. Always came home with a wad of cash at the end of the summer. On a side note, if you have a particular lodge in mind send them a resume. You don't have to wait for non existant job postings. Most lodges are always hiring.
  19. Or.... Send your wife on a tropical trip with her sisters, then book four fly in trips for the softwater season. Works for me.
  20. Wiseguy . Every other delivery service accepts cash.
  21. Over the last month or so I've placed at least a dozen orders online for stuff from the States. Most shipped via USPS, some UPS. I've received everything within a week. Something's definitely not right waiting that length of time. Beyond the ridiculous fees UPS charges, what's really annoying is they don't accept cash when delivered to your door. I had a UPS delivery last week with a $5.85 charge that I was forced to put on my credit card. What if someone doesn't have a credit card?
  22. Exactly. Like when the MNR released all those cougars to thin down the coyote population. Pure bedlam.
  23. This is true. I've fought two traffic violations in court because I truly believed I was right. The first one I had a useless lawyer who did nothing for me. The second one I represented myself. Thought I was doing pretty well until the judge interupted me with a lecture. I interupted the judge and asked "what gives you the right to be so judgemental?". Never ask a judge why he's so judgemental! Very bad things happen.
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