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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. I'm guessing there will be others like you. If I were you I'd call Eddie and ask him to put your name on a list. Maybe between a bunch of you he can work something out. Probably not a bad idea regardless, Eddie's pretty accomodating, you might be surprised.
  2. Ron that's hilarious, "pneumonic plague?" Whatever you say Ricky
  3. Incredible fish and very nice tale behind it, thanks for lifting my spirits.
  4. What stars? Did you just get bonked on the head? (Probably rocks is the right answer). In addition to trak maps here are three more sources of depth maps: http://www.anglersatlas.com/mapstore/ http://www.fishingmapsplus.com/index.html http://www.geoma.ca/MapProducts/FishFinderMaps.aspx Bear in mind ALL of these retailers are getting the lake depth info from the MNR. If you contact the MNR district office the lake you're interested in is located, you just may get the info for free. Just a thought.
  5. Good luck Emil, wish I could help.
  6. That Richter lake is S/W of Cochrane and looks to be atv accessable. Eddie's new camp is in the Kenora district approximately 225 km's N/W of Nakina. So yes, it's fly in only. If you do a search on toporama you should easily find the lake: http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/maps/topo/map?mapsize=1150%201350&mapxy=481428.409234%20369642.659388&scale=5000000.000000&feature_na=Richter%20Lake&searchstring=Richter%20lake&layers=fapfeature%20fapfeature%20north_arrow%20other_features%20million_grid%20t50k_grid%20grid_50k_3%20roads%20hydrography%20boundary%20builtup%20vegetation%20populated_places%20railway%20power_network%20manmade_features%20designated_areas%20water_features%20water_saturated_soils%20relief%20contours%20toponymy%20contour%20nodata_ntdb_50k&map_layer[northarrow]_class[0]_style[0]=ANGLE%20-6.618623800508956&urlappend=%26unique_key%3D0c4c60a5849c20c3ecbaf9df9acacdea%26map.layer[textzoom03]%3DFEATURE+POINTS+481446.01555+369640.934704+END+TEXT+%22Richter+Lake%22+END%26map.layer[textzoom46]%3DFEATURE+POINTS+481446.01555+369640.934704+END+TEXT+%22Richter+Lake%22+END%26map.layer[arrowzoom03]%3DFEATURE+POINTS+481446.01555+369640.934704+END+END
  7. Exactly how do you figure John when migratory fish aren't permitted to use the ladder?? Seriously give your head a shake. It's undoubtedly great news and no one would ever play down the work you and others are doing at CRAA but the criticism is perfectly valid.
  8. Good luck, hope you pull it off. That's next on the agenda for me too.
  9. That'll be fun being the first group in. Great opportunity for someone who can't round up a big group.
  10. Hey all, first off I'm a little uncomfortable posting this as I hate spam, BUT Eddie is a friend and asked me to help. As many of you are already aware Eddie aquired a lease to build a new camp this spring on Richter lake, a never before fished body of water north of his Beteau camp on the Attawapiskat river. I made this post last fall looking for fellow OFC'ers to join me on a trip to Richter in September 2011: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=48577&st=0&p=522361&hl=Attawapiskat&fromsearch=1entry522361 In addition I pm'd a bunch of you guys with an offer from Eddie on a deal for a trip to Richter. Well, no one responded and he REALLY wants to drum up some business. The regular price for the trip is $1500 tax in per person. He's offering the trip now for $1000 tax in per person if you book a trip of your own during the 2011 season. This price is based on a minimum of 5 people. He's willing to take smaller groups of 4 for a price of $1250 Canadian tax in. With a group of 4, 5, or 6 you will have the camp entirely to yourselves. He will only put different groups together at their request. If they have small numbers like 1, 2 or 3 people, this will allow small groups a chance to go. That is truly a deal. It's costing him a fortune to charter the otter for such a long flight and I know he's not making a ton of dough at that price. His main concern at the moment though is generating interest in the camp. For anyone that's been considering a fly in trip to catch trophy pike and walleye this is a great opportunity. Contact your fishin' buddies and get something lined up. It's not very often in this day and age you get an opportunity to fish completely untouched virgin waters. If anyone's interested Eddie's contact info is on his website: http://eddienorth.com/ If anyone has ANY questions or concerns shoot me a pm. Cheers, Mike
  11. Why is it only now that migratory fish can be lifted and transferred upstream from Norval? Did the landowner not allow you guys access in the past? As has been said this is obviously a step in the right direction but it will do nothing to enhance the current run of steelhead.
  12. The work being done by Louis and others is commendable and very much appreciated. Unfortunately it seems wading through a quagmire of red tap tape takes time. At least this is a positive step and brings hope for the future.
  13. What's the benefit then if steelhead and pacific salmon will not utilize the ladder? Am I missing something here?
  14. From reading everyone's replies I think I may have stumbled onto something here. Tangible proof that there's hope for mankind. Sounds as though you'd ALL make great neighbours.
  15. No, they're friendly but they keep to themselves.
  16. She loves the snow but she's been regressing the last 3 days. My mother's been holding down the fort while I'm at work this week and she's been giving Zoey free rein of the house. There's been a number of "accidents" since Monday. Ah well, back to hardcore crate training. (Counting the hours 'till Joanne gets home on Sunday )
  17. You just described me. Pretty much every one of my neighbours is Italian too, they're fantastic.
  18. I love having great neighbours. It's such a nice change from our two previous places. All the guys love to fish, big parties all over the street in the summer, everyone helps each other out. It's a dead end street with tons of kids...best move we ever made.
  19. Just made it home from work and my neighbour cleaned out my entire driveway and walkway with his snowblower. Some of the drifts were waist deep. There is a God.
  20. We're getting pounded here in Hamilton. Thought I was seeing things earlier when lightning flashed as well, unreal Been here at work since 2pm yesterday. My co-worker just called and he can't make it in, so I may be here 'till 2pm today. 24 hours total. I think I'm going insane.
  21. Cool vid Tyler, you sure have some great fishing at your doorstep.
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