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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. There's few guys on the board who've flown with them many times before and have always been very positive about the experience. I'm sure they'll chime in at some point. Over the years I've flown out of Cochrane several times. Main reason being, the drive up hwy 11 is very easy from southern ON. My take on the area north of Cochrane is this. Great fishing, no complaints there, but universally crappy outpost camps, boring terrain and shallow dishpan lakes with little to no structure. The latter two being very typical of the swampy james bay lowlands where the camps are located. I'll still fly out of Cochrane if the opportunity presents itself because as mentioned the fishing is good and the drive is easy. That's a big factor when time is limited. But if I have a choice I'm flying elsewhere. For someone driving from southrn ON outfitters in Hawk Junction, Folyet, White River, Hornepayne, etc, etc., have camps that are located on the canadian shield. Much more "typical" northern terrain and generally clearer, more diverse and interesting lakes. The region north of Nakina is even better imo. Still on the shield (it swings up as you travel west from Cochrane), larger lakes, high quality outpost camps and another level of fishing altogether. Over the years I've been on a lot of fly ins, well over 30 for sure. If you're interested I can gladly give you my personal recommendations. Cheers
  2. C'mon show a little class boys, we're better than that. What a beauty though! Glad to see Reimer playing well,and I'm just loving Jake Gardiner, what a great young player.
  3. I was looking for this exact style of boat recently. All manufactures, no preference there, and both in ON and Stateside. There were no boats of this style Stateside. The ones that were available were not a great deal. As many of you know I bought a 2010 Smoker Craft Ultima 162 with a 75 4 stroke Merc a couple weeks back. IMO, and I did a TON of research, the Smokercraft/Starcraft boats blew away Lund. Better features, better design and better hull. Just my opinion obviously, but that was my conclusion. For what it's worth I picked up my 2010 package for $12,000. I would NEVER buy new. There's deals to be had if you're willing to spend the time sifting through the net.
  4. You're a lucky man Nick, you've got some real treasures there. I'm envious that you guys know Gord Duval. I've admired him for many years, particularly his annual quests for giant brookies in northern QC. I can relate to any man with that particular passion.
  5. That brought a smile to my face. Great stuff.
  6. Well actually not to be contrary, but most guys punching out big brushy bugs use rods shorter than 9 feet.
  7. I have an 81/2' 3pc 6wt that I've had for over 20 years. I love it, use it all the time. It's got a very smooth moderate action and is light and crisp. IMO it compares favourably to any of the newer high end blanks. If I could find another one I'd probably buy it so I say go for it!
  8. Awesome fish dude, big, hungry and dumb my favorite kind. LOL!
  9. Poor Richards is worth checking out. http://www.poorrichardserie.com/ Even better Elk should be prime when you're there, go fishing instead!
  10. I've been down this road myself countless times in the past. Invariably I always drive. I mean always. For whatever reason that's just the way it seems to work out. Depending on who I'm fishing with, some guys will force gas money on me and for that I'm thankful. Others sometimes take advantage I think. I never make an issue out of it. Personally I believe that what goes around comes around. I wouldn't dream of keeping the kids rod and reel, but I do get where you're coming from.
  11. HA! Go figure eh? I was right at the very end near the rocks. The fish took me for a bit of a walk down the beach through a bunch of swimmers. Totally freaked everyone out. A few times I paid the 3 pesos or whatever it was to gain access to the hiking trails on the point. One trail lead to a really deadly spot on the other side that had deep water right off shore.
  12. You're a good man Skipper. Welcome in my boat anytime.
  13. So it's either a Strawberry, Yellowfin or Spotted Grouper or possibly a "Cervesa Senor". There was a large, loud Italian tourist nearby who said "Ayyy...whassa da beeeg deal? Eees just a beeg oogly feesh!! (When the Cuban explained how the fish could be toxic all I could think of was Homer Simpson and puffer fish LOL!)
  14. As many of you know I recently spent a week in Cuba with the family. Overall a great trip, fishing was decent and a Monte Cristo #5 with a double shot of 10 year old Havana Club is pretty hard to beat. I had some decent success on small bones and one surprise permit wading some nearby flats and casting small jigs. As well there was a nearby boardwalk that spanned the entrance to a large salwater lagoon. We caught a multitude of small colorful scrappy little fish using mostly bait under a float. But two fish stand out above all, one was caught and one was lost. Both were hooked right off the beach amazingly enough and I drew quite a crowd of gawkers both times. First fish hit hard and almost spooled me. Ultimately I was successful landing it, Joanne snapped a couple of quick pic's and back she went. Can anyone tell me what it is? A Cuban lifeguard tried in broken english but the translation was difficult. He did say some people will keep these fish to eat but that they could be poisonous. He said they feed the fish to their goats or dogs first. If the animals eat the fish then it's dinner time LOL! About an hour later I hooked a second fish that hit like a freight train and spooled me. Never did see the thing. It took 300yds of 40lb braid and was gone. Pretty amazing (Sorry Aaron I lost your lure and all the line you lent me LOL!) Here's a few more pic's from the trip just for fun. Brendan fishing on the boardwalk Nearby point I had some pretty good success fishing off Beach Joanne and Brendan relaxing together by the pool Me on the beach with cigar and rum.
  15. Not exactly a parallel discussion Dave, although seeing the responses from some remarkably shortsighted fly fishermen who fish the upper Credit is interesting.
  16. Longlac is very much an unknown commodity. The south end of the lake looks interesting. A new lodge was opened there fairly recently and in fact a report was posted from it last year by one of our members: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=54835&st=0&p=597085&hl=northern%20woods%20lodge&fromsearch=1entry597085
  17. Surprised no one's commented on this yet! As someone who had the pleasure of fishing the Credit in the early 80's and enjoying the fishery immensely this can't happen soon enough. I do have a couple of comments though. Exactly how will the fish be given access? Will functioning fishways be built? Better yet will dams be removed? I would hope and assume that these small fragile headwater areas would not be part of any extended fall season and would be open to angling only during the inland trout season from late April 'till end of September. I can also see a need to implement sanctuary areas 'till mid to late May. Can you imagine the invasion of bank mutants descending on the Forks come opening day? LOL! Much of what would be gained would be lost in one fell swoop by the strippers and rippers. All in all it's an exciting proposal. Here's hoping it comes to pass.
  18. Just checking in from Cuba. You guys are hilarious LOL! We're have a fabulous time. Full day of fishing planned tomorrow...can't believe it's already Tuesday night.
  19. After mulling over a couple of different options and searching high and low for the best possible price we settled on a 2010 Smokercraft Ultima 162 with a 75 4 stroke Merc. Ultimately it was the layout and extra width of this boat that made the decision easy. That and the price. You guys wouldn't believe it if I told you what we got it for. A couple of pic's: Need to buy a top for it but that's no big deal. Now it's off to Cuba for a week!
  20. Hey Chris, the quality of the cork on what I'm assuming is the GLX handle (those are Ferg's spec's ) is exponentially better. That's the quality of cork I want on my handle. Now please perform a miracle and find me some LOL!
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