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Everything posted by Fisherpete

  1. Still a few weeks to find that giant - go get her! Nice fish by he way.
  2. Gotta let my esox hang out whenever I can Joey!
  3. Hahaha... That snakealunge was with my buddy 5 or 6 years ago on Balsam. 42.5" and probably weighed 7 or 8 pounds... After eating a half dozen perch. Maybe! Obviously on his/her way out... Had virtually no teeth in its mouth.
  4. I know it's in portrait not landscape but here's my favourite smallie shot... As for muskies, here ya go TJ. Perfect specimen... LOL Ok, ok... here ya go...
  5. My pleasure B - glad to do it! I'll be starting a post to try and gather a few ideas to make next years tourney even more fun - to keep it 'alive' all thru the year. Seems to really wind down after September every year... Cheers Pete
  6. November 13th Tournament update! Well with just over a month left in the tournament, the entries have slowed down... but some very big fish have been caught since the last update! There's still time... get out there (be safe) and bag a giant! Team 1 - Brian B bass upgrade with a huge 23” smallmouth! New category leader! Team 2 - Akrisoner caught a beauty 45.75" muskie and a 24" walleye! Team 3 - Sleepjigging bags an excellent 38” salmon! Team 4 - Gallie adds a monster 48” muskie! New category leader! Team 5 - Fisherpete upgrades with a 47.25” muskie and Lunkerhunter completes Team 5's final category with a 25” GL rainbow trout! Team 6 - Nothing to report this time Leaderboard 1st place - Team 5 @ 343.5" 2nd place - Team 6 @ 292" 3rd place - Team 2 @ 277.10" 4th place - Team 1 @ 265" 5th place - Team 4 @ 258.75" 6th place - Team 3 @ 227.5" [/uR
  7. Rob I take all my Shimano reels that need service up to them in Peterborough at the end of the open water season (in a few weeks) - I'd be more than happy to bring yours up at the same time and get them back to you when we meet up again. I'm dropping one off for another board member already. Just let me know! Pete
  8. Lew last summer when I was down there I knocked down the philly cheese log AND a big order of poutine with it... It hurt so good... A year plus later my ribcage has almost returned to it's original shape. Love being able to stop right on the water and grab a meal. Pete
  9. That is my dream boat, congrats on the purchase! I can't offer any insight on the track brackets breaking, but I do know my buddy Andrew who has a Princecraft with it's own track system has had new inserts for his boat made by Dave at Trojan Tackle - I'm sure he makes something for the Lund tracks... his work is top notch, have some in my boat too and I'm sure many board members will attest to this... take a look. http://www.trojantackle.ca/ Pete
  10. Rick - my trip odometer at the end of the day read 819 km... so yeah it's a bit of a trek lol... but well worth it. Chance at a true giant every time out, and Mike's a blast to fish with! He even knows where you can stop for world's best lasagna right on the water! Dave, Pierre, Wayne, Chris - thanks. And Chris - usually when you get bit that fast I find it to be a bad omen - it's happened tons of times to me that you catch one in the first spot of the day and then nada. Sometimes that sunrise bite is your best chance!
  11. Headed out with Mike for another round on the Larry... first spot of the day, third cast in Mike lands a solid fish casting... Due to the wind we mainly trolled for the rest of the day, and I was rewarded with this beauty, my longest so far this year. Heavy, clean fish. Thanks again Mike - can't wait until the next episode! Pete
  12. Nice fish Wayne. Keep putting in the hours and the big ones will happen.
  13. +1 for Shimano in Peterborough
  14. He mentioned that he mainly shore fishes - the bigger reel would give him far better casting distance than a 1000 size reel. Pete
  15. Incredible Bunk. Love it.
  16. Nicely done! I have a simple camera setup that works very well for me in my boat - will take a pic and post for you. Pete
  17. Dave as the other guys mentioned, the sales at both places are typically in the spring - you should be able to get the set for $450 CDN or so. I have the Pro Qualifier set and am happy with it after 2 seasons. Cheers Pete
  18. Great bunch of fish! That last one looks heavy. My wife has the golden horseshoe too lol Pete
  19. I got the same Paypal email, it led to a pretty authentic looking page... Which I'm sure would have attempted to get some personal information from me had I proceeded. Phishing scam. I reported it thru Hotmail. On the plus side, this reminded me to check in on my actual Paypal account and realized I still had some money in there lol! Bonus!
  20. That is indeed a great pic! Here's a few shots of barred and spotted Pigeon fish from just this year.
  21. Missed this report. Nice ski!
  22. Glad everything worked out - and sounds like the fish were on fire for you guys this weekend! I remember a few sketchy moments in tinners growing up, although never had the pleasure of falling in. One of the boats we had was 12' narrow and flat bottomed - not much fun to fish from in any sort of waves.
  23. Delicious, even better than all the 20-30 inchers I eat all summer. The colder water really brings out the taste of mercury in the belly fat, which I prefer to cut into thin strips and eat raw while filleting the fish. I did this beauty up is a red wine and motor oil sauce, garnished with zebra mussel paste and cabbage weed salad. My five year old ate at least five pounds of it. Send me a PM if you would like my full recipe list of muskie dishes.
  24. Thanks everyone. Brian - it was a pleasure as always fishing with you. Overall it was a slow day out there, had one rip trolling that came unpinned before even pulling the rod out of the holder, and caught this fish casting a big plastic. No other action or follows. It was indeed a bit rough out there, the wind switched directions a few times during the day too. The lake looked 'different' this weekend, almost murky and right around 50F in most areas of the lake. Not sure if the wind stirred it up or if turnover is happening? Kerry - was nice to meet you also and yeah, will have to give that area a try where the shore fishing guys had that big one on! Still lots of time to get out there this season... Tupelo - PM sent. Art - I thought you only fished for species with whiskers not fangs Chris - the trolling rip came around 8:30am and this fish was caught around 3pm. Steve - thanks - pretty happy with the boat and how I rigged it up. Works well for two guys fishing skis. Cheers Pete
  25. This chunker certainly understands the concept of putting on the fall feedbag!
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