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Everything posted by troutboy

  1. Iam just wonder how to make homemade tip ups,or tipdowns.I kinda got a plan but its not that detailed. http://www.ehow.com/how_4827475_build-tipd...ce-fishing.html
  2. That must be gods house!
  3. I somewhat started already unofficaly! Caught one 5lber and 3 smaller 1-2lbers!
  4. Only one week till brookie opener! I already got my gear ready and im waiting on january 1st! Its going to be a good year!
  5. The pictures are too big check out my flickr they are on there some where http://www.flickr.com/photos/chris15/
  6. Nice laker Terry!
  7. Very nice looking board and tutorial!
  8. Congraduations on the dog!
  9. During the summer while out wally fishin', there was a massive grey wolf walking along the highway not scared of my truck,so I stopped and got out of the truck(big mistake) and took some pictures once he saw me he started walking towards me.I almost crapped myself and jumped into the truck. I dont know what was wrong with it,they are beutiful creatures to see in the wild.
  10. I like the redington rise reel,its only$179 its made of aluminum and they are good for both fresh and salt water,ive had one for 2 years and its still works like brand new!
  11. Mine are still good,perch look out!
  12. Squirrel tails are great for bucktail jigs,on the mepps website they pay you to send in squirrel tails for their spinners!
  13. Those things work wonders tiped on a swedish pimple jig for brookies!
  14. Thats a neat rod! Im still stickin' to my St Croix!
  15. That sucks! They were a great brook trout producer!
  16. Great fish!Going to head out do some hardwater fishing soon!
  17. Cool vid, I catch brookies that fat,one time had a 8lb brookie at the hole but the hole was way to small he ended up breaking off!! There is always next weekend!Damn brookies aint getting away then!
  18. That is a sea lamprey.
  19. Brook trout all the way! No other fish in the world that looks,tastes and fights better than a nice fat male brookie!
  20. YUM! looks good!Cant wait till winter for some brookies!
  21. I have a crock pot but it might work in the oven,I add a bunch of spices and soak it in its juices for about 17 hours on low,it turns out undescribable!
  22. Nice work!! Nice bunch of critters you got der'!Nice deer also,gonna have to go get some traps,at the old lake theres a massive beaver whos been cutting down all the birches!
  23. Thats one FAT doe! Where abouts did you spot the wolverine?I cant remember all the WMU's of by heart,ill have to get my book out!Anyways nice deer.
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