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Everything posted by walleyejigger

  1. sorry forgot to say i had a hard time finding "canadian" sites
  2. it converts to.... too damn much just kidding, im sure it's worth it for some
  3. i had that plastic one a long time ago, might still have it, i liked it for jigging spoons for lakers and hand lining the fish up the hole, i would not recommend it as a "rod or reel"
  4. looks like a good time, and quiet was out again yesterday and hoping to go out tomorrow,(supposed to be cooooooold) maybe if i have a little more ambition on the weekend i'll put together a report
  5. says "check the spelling and try again" ?????????? or COOOOOOOOL, i'm not sure yet
  6. thanks for bringing this up Nipissing, was also interested in this a while back when it was mentioned that some members have made some, but wasn't able to find a site with prices and such, found some with certain parts but not others, (blanks seem hard to find, especially with a price), i had also found some "how to" articles but had given up my search, i just tried anglers specialties and can't access their catalog what would be an average price for materials to make rod (approx) any other websites would be appreciated, as i don't hit T.O to often thanks
  7. i wonder if i can get a cape like that for my ranger lol, great pics
  8. hey shad, i think u should let a doctor look at that gapping hole in your chest lol
  9. good job on the video, love the tip about locating the oil slick, very funny
  10. had a looooong weekend at work and was looking forward to going fishing monday,but....... sure enough got called into work on monday, (needless to say i was pissed), so decided to head out early tuesday before anybody could call me to work (they did), wow was it ever cold, radio was calling windchill's in the -30's, but i went on to a little lake north of cartier stocked with rainbows, put almost all the clothes i have on, packed the slay and off i went, i fished pretty much the hole length of the lake in water's ranging from 3' to about 16', tried simple hook and minnows, micro jigs, small spoons and all i came up with were 2 perch about 4" long, so by 3 oclock i had enough, i could barely get my gloves on and off from the cold and my ice scoop had broke so i didn't feel like clearing the holes with my hand anymore, trekked all the way back to the truck drove out, got on the highway and i got a phone call saying the highway was closed at highfalls early in the day do to a severe accident and would be closed for another while, (DAMN) when i caught up to traffic we were stopped at the levack turn off, one of my buddies was also stopped there for 3 hours and had had enough, he knew a detour so i followed, he parked his truck at the motel and hoped in mine and off we went, we took some old bush roads and across some mine properties, those who didn't have 4X4 had to turn around, 1-1/2 hrs later we were on the other side of the accident and on my way home (the 40min. drive took 2hrs 25 min) as of last night at 11:30 only 1 lane was open, they reported a 4 car accident with 1 death
  11. i've done that, in just boxers, sleepin in the hut we used to leave one line out not far from the hut with a bell on it, went out in my skivees a few times, you don't feel the cold until after you bring up the fish
  12. got mine in the mail yeterday too
  13. sooooooo coooooooool, and catchy too, gotta love a song that includes mister rogers
  14. awesome pics, man, brown's are beautiful!!
  15. that's the reason i got mine from telus, i spend alot of time in the gogama area, i got this phone an LG somethin somethin (plain ol phone) over 2 years ago for 130$ pay n talk w/ 70$ credit, i lose service about 6kms north of geneva lake to about 35kms south of the watershed and then i'm good all the way to timmins, this past summer my mom got one and doesn't work as well and my brother got one this christmas and it also doesn't work as well. We can use our phones in gogama which i think is pretty good cause you can't even get FM radio,('cept french) or TV from an antenna ('cept TVO) as for service i've never had a problem so far so never had to deal with them, once a month i go buy a card and dial in the number,
  16. great stuff as always, thanks for the read
  18. norhteastern is too vague how far would sudbury be from this mysterious location
  19. i put just about anything in jerky recipes, pretty much what joey listed for the panfishers out there try fish jerky it's great, i've done it with perch fillets usually sliced in half to make them thinner sprinkle with pepper ( i like lots) and dehydrate a buddy of mine tried with lemon pepper, was alright(i'm not a fan of lemon)
  20. hey sorry to hear about the severe allergies must be tough on the family i have an easy recipe but not sure if it clears your allergy list as i don't have it here so i wasn't able to check the ingredients list i use this on bear roast and i'm sure venison would be great as well simply a pack of lipton's onion soup mix mix with about 1cup of water pour over roast cook in slow cooker for many hours the longer it's in there the tenderer it'll be i usually add carrots and potatoes, could put cabbage yellow beans and other veggies (if they're not legumes, that word always confuses me as for a french boy like me "legume" is french for vegetable) if it passes your list try it out you won't be disappointed (and it's super easy)
  21. very nice pics, especially the duck diving, im no expert on ducks but know a little and it doesn't really look like a wood duck to me, if it is it's a female with very odd colour patches, at first look i would have said maybe a gadwall???????
  22. man i wish i woulda seen this earlier, i would of loved to meet you and pick your brain, u r in my mind a speckie master and love reading your reports, perhaps another time, good luck and have fun...... if you can find some, the "gold" may be your best bet
  23. anything near that would make me poop my pants and scream like a girl, you couldn't pay me enough money to get on something like that i got this link in an email last week http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/park/ride...gster/index.cfm it's from a "cedar point" park this coaster reaches around 120MPH in 4 seconds check out the photo gallery of the construction for some nice views
  24. bed n breakfast is over used change the B&B to an S&E the port dover Sleep n Eat or an S&M Sleep and More sleep.....geez u guys have dirty minds and as a slogan come sleep with us or turn the B&B into Bed and Bait or a B&B&B Bed n Breakfast n Bait soooooooo............ Nauti's B&B&B rooms the pond the stream the lake the tiller the console the paddle the Tj executive suite the Lew moustache suite the Nauti thick walls suite
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