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Dave A

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Everything posted by Dave A

  1. Thanks for your views. If covers scratch and ruin the paint, then they are likely either poor fitting, improperly lined or dirty inside. Like a poorly fit boat travel cover, if it moves, it will scratch and rub. Have you used an OEM cover or maybe a custom cover from Outboard Covers? I haven’t had that type of poor experience with my Yamaha cover’s this past 12 years and I run on average about 6k kilom per season. Both motors have benefited from having covers. Of course, I ran the OEM covers and not one of the $50-$80 type aftermarket covers. The OEM’s (many made by Outboard Covers) are properly ‘fit’, lined and manufactured with a Top Gun type material, which is water repellent etc,. I have to disagree with your statement. Back to my original enquiry, If you have imported either a boat or engine cover, what were the import duties and fees, on top of the exchange and GST charges.
  2. 200XL Big tiller and 15 Pro-Kicker tiller, but really it could be any motor. Dockstore can provide for the 200XL but the kicker would have to come from Outboard Covers. (Thats where Merc orders their 'branded' covers).
  3. Thanks for the info. I guess my concern with the ‘universal’ type covers is that they flap around and ultimately tear or scratch, but thanks for the suggestion.
  4. Has anyone ordered an engine travel or storage cover from Outboard Covers & Accessories and had it shipped to Ontario? (outboardcovers.com) Orders are placed on the US site but I hear they are all made in Australia. What did you think of it? How long did it take to receive? What did you get hit with for import duties and fees? Does anyone run with or use a Full Motor Cover when travelling / towing?
  5. Thank you. As simple as it was, I never even considered an 'A' and 'B' toggle.
  6. Due to the power demands of today's electronics and the use of multiple sonar units, many of us run a house battery as well as an electronics battery. Is there a single gauge available (2"-2-1/2" dia.) that monitors voltage for 2 batteries? Due to space limitation, this would be a great gauge to have. So, in short, I'm looking for 1 gauge with two volt scales on it.
  7. i'm assuming you've tried JB's?
  8. Whateer, that's got to be fun to catch!
  9. Looks to me like everyone had a great day!
  10. Looks like fun. Never focused on carp. Maybe I should give it a try.
  11. Any medium-heavy 7-1/2 ft ropd will be great. Look for something 12 - 20 lb capacity. The longer rod will be easier to cast.
  12. Probably best to remove the wood and inspect while at it.
  13. Thank heavens my wife and I got ours OK. Submitted electronically and got the cards about 6 - 7 weeks later.
  14. Another vote for Angling Outfitters
  15. Some businesses just lack the passion for doing things right!
  16. Be gentle but always good to lay out the ground rules.
  17. I've had no issue with Marathons. Have a tandem trailer and on 4th year now.
  18. Just before day light is what I like best.
  19. Nothin wrong with that answer where I come from!
  20. Great meal!
  21. Awesome Pirch!!
  22. Just remember to take a reading on the compass first.
  23. Make an example of him. Lock him up.
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