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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. PM'd my cell #. Funny enough on the drive up to Killarney I saw the turnoff for Sturgeon Falls and was like man I shoulda given Randy a call.... but now that I look at the map that would of been quite the detour!!
  2. Solid pics Denis! Looks like a good day out!
  3. Sites great for meeting people to go fishin with! The non-fishing topics get pretty funny... At the end of the day, despite all differing opinions, its a bunch of good people who love to fish! (that also own computers/can mash a post out/register for a forum)
  4. You mean ADT isn't going to replace it for free?
  5. Thank you! I'll have to try searching with less keywords!
  7. Anyone stayed here before and know how the fishing is in the area? I'll be there Friday-Sunday if anyone wants to hook me up with some info it would be much appreciated. Any tips are welcomed! Thank you in advance.
  8. Awesome! I love your place in Pen reminds me of my cottage, but I guess its just up the road anyways... and someone in Fort Erie has a heating and air company called Temagami! I was confused when I saw where it was on a map. And my older brother sold all our NES stuff when I was about 10... not much I could do back then! Oh the memories!
  9. Nice pike! Everyone loves that point! Sometimes its on fire...
  10. awesome post dude! you are posting quite a bit of content with only 14 posts! congrats on lots of fishing time!
  11. TC1OZ

    FYI #35

    my ding a ling, my ding a ling!
  12. Sweet restoration! Looks like I missed this post too! I would of cheered you on either way! Who cares what you paid, its what you want and what you wanted to do!
  13. Nice ski buddy! Thanks for the report!
  14. You have a working copy of Excite Bike on NES... you are officially cool in my books!
  15. I gave her a 5 star!
  16. At least you guys are paying for licenses... and not using pitchforks and weighted treble hooks. Fish on boys!
  17. I wish I could talk my wife to moving out of the Niagara Region... so many better paying IT jobs anywhere else!
  18. Lucky dude!
  19. Keeps his lunch fresh haha!
  20. I was waiting for them to let in 5 right at the end, but they surprised me and didn't!!
  21. It happens, but you can't get mad at someone for using a wire.... its not his fault either.
  22. OMG! I LOVE IT!!!!!!
  23. *shakes fist* Go back to not posting, you always put me to shame! Thanks again for the report 24/7!!!!
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