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Everything posted by fishinguypat

  1. i hate that spot because of all the walking lol, every 10 m there is a no parking sign
  2. i caught my pb perch at guelph 2 years ago, 15 inches, on a 5 inch minnow... guelph has many good spots this time of year because it looks sort of like an island in some parts, i like fishing the evening there
  3. well human population is going up so boat trafic will go up, this does not necessarily fishing will go up does it?
  4. i had one of those days except i hit a rock and my prop fell off, the battery on the motor died and i had to jump out of the boat and swim to safety... the boat ended up in the bushes
  5. sometimes you just have to let them free. i know its hard but its for the best... this reel can't handle it anymore and will happier in retirement...
  6. weld it? or sell it on ebay?
  7. any help?
  8. I'm going camping this weekend with a friends and i need to know a good lake that has camping and and fishing from boat ... in the range of 2 hours maybe 2 1/2 from K-W area ... i don't feel like taking the long trip to algonquin anyone have any better ideas?for fishing i would like bass,pike,walleye but thats mostly anywhere in ontario - Thanks!
  9. i say 18.43 lb as for the showcase ... i wanna punch gay in the face for the stunt she pulled...
  10. last time i went fishing i caught two eyes trolling a spinnerbait and i was shocked... nice walter!
  11. you should have checked underneath the fish's head to see how many pores it had
  12. does that smoker have a thicker sheet of metal? not like those little chief ones?
  13. ever heard of this company called... "Rapala" i think thats how its spelt ...i hear they make a good quality lure
  14. in general you need a rod with a soft tip but has enough backbone to fight the fish in...
  15. wait i thought i heard somewhere that you want stretch in line when running dipsey's to act as a shock absorber? or its the other way around ,anyway anything 30 lb's plus
  16. lets hope this spawning season these big fish can spawn successfully and not have there eggs taken?
  17. maybe we should learn to accept the asian carp and live in a civilized fashion...?
  18. lake michigan has the best brown trout fishing in the world...milwakee or however you spell it
  19. http://www.lakemichiganangler.com/tips/downrigger.htm may help?
  20. i'd say watch some youtube videos on the riggers and then search up the baits...they sometimes have explainations on how to rig them and such...i can't really help you any more since i don't have downriggers either
  21. anyone know anywhere that sells good rod holders for a decent price i only need 2, the ones at canadian tire look cheap and cost 20 bucks anyone have any other ideas ? thanks
  22. seems your camera is on the fritz because of the line through the photos? lol
  23. who the hell would get it for the original price? lol
  24. there are walleye in belwood i caught a couple trolling there
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