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Everything posted by fishinguypat

  1. wanna go to belwood lake or guelph for ice fishing but i wouldn't know where to start and i might not be able to use and auger (unless i make one) are there a lot of people that go there.? anyone who has fished there this year could help?
  2. ahh the toronto boat show...makes you just wanna go and buy some boats... last years experience was great but i'm not sure if i'll go again
  3. bottled water when on the go and water dispenser coolin/heating at home...though i also have a tap filter but not all of the minerals get treated
  4. are you kidding you guys must have cheap drills if you can't do many holes with a drill attachment. i have a few drills and many batteries and i can say the drill does matter ...and battery.
  5. crankbaits are hardest to make because the lip has to be cut to get the right action
  6. k so here's what you do ... start working out ...then buy a cheap hand auger...go out on the ice and put your muscle to work drilling those holes!
  7. 16- 0
  8. go to the qew bridge ...there are deep holes and they are in there
  9. well if you are on the road there is no point for you to get a plan unless it is just talking...i suggest a pay as you go plan ,get like $100 or $50...or a cheap talk plan
  10. hahaha... very funny
  11. it almost had as much meat as a male chinook i caught earlier in the season that as almost 20 pounds...but this fish was at least 10
  12. she had like a pound of roe max ...and she fought pretty good but then she came in easy.it's not as fat as the picture made it look
  13. yeah she wasn't that fat the camera adds 10 pounds
  14. i got out to a Huron trib yesterday and i finally caught my first steelhead! I didn't have a camera with me so i just took a pic at home, when i cleaned her i found roe in skein form how would i cure this?
  15. yeah i can weld but where would i even get this part?
  16. can regular mono be used for ice fishing?
  17. how much would the atachment for cordless drill cost i have like 6 cordless drills i use so that would be the best option for me.
  18. i'm no expert but would a rig like this work: minnow on a treble quick strike rig,then a split shot going up the line to the rod...then letting it hit bottom pulling up a bit then putting a float on the line as a strike indicator?or is that what Rob D said?
  19. thanks guys...i always wondered why there are fish on the sonar when i pull up my anchor...when fishing smaller ontario lakes should you just look for passing fish or arches ?
  20. i know this ain't the season for it but a recent post had me thinking about some of my troubles with my fishfinder. for example i have my fishfinder set where it shows fish symbols and i dont know if this interferes with number of fish shown? i have touble with the more technical terms can anyone give there preferences on their settings?
  21. they said the same thing about vanish when it first came out...it sells but it's crap
  22. i have a plan to make a cheap tip up...i have some cheap line laying around 15 pound test on a big wide spool... couls i tie my lure directly to the spool ,drop it down, then just put a circular stick through the spool so if a fish comes it could let out line?
  23. try grubs with feather tips ...like lindy fuzzy grubs tipped with minnows
  24. yeah i was gonna try bellwood last year but something came up...i don't have an auger though do you think they have those provided?
  25. home alone!
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