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Everything posted by fishinguypat

  1. please ...please i just can't take any more of this nonsense ..
  2. yeah i did that like 4 times this year can't i ask someone
  3. how's the bronte bite for steelhead?
  4. college boy eh, Put em up!
  5. hey back off i clearly said "i know a lot about steelheading" doesn't mean i'm good at it. i would have put "i am good at steelheading"
  6. naw i know quite a bit about steelheading... i just can't seen to catch a rainbow...i have caught salmon the last 10 years browns the past few ...but no steel
  7. she was rosey pink because she was blushing for the camera
  8. a bit more than 4 times...try 4 years
  9. k iguess i'll get some kind of fluro what do you recommend?
  10. well today on a huron trib and it was very clear...a guy beside me caught one in 2 casts when i was fishing the area for 5-10 min...he had like some kind of a single egg
  11. i went out 4 times for steelhead this year and everytime i got skunked... i went to ontario tribs and today i hit some huron tribs and nuthin...i'm using light 8lb test 10 foot rod, cured roe, the right amount of split shot...uuggggggggg
  12. i think the small seagar fluro is the best! even the big spools of fluro thats meant to be used as main line isn't great...also fluro has lesser knot strengh and breaks easier
  13. well now your options are food,rod or gas money?
  14. i saw a tear run down my dogs face while reading this
  15. a big smallmouth in deep water fights really hard
  16. where is the video on shot placing?
  17. yeah but if you fish with someone it would be like being able to take 4... unless your partner wasn't the one to catch the 2
  18. those trout pics are amazing you must have a good camera
  19. i have a 10 foot and a medium action 7 foot that has a soft tip but some back bone also...determined by which river i fish i chose the rod which fits best
  20. go in the evening to a highly fished place and ask how the bite is and what people are using and such..i find its the best help
  21. you lost me at drop shotting on lake erie
  22. these are very common in eastern ontario
  23. usually bigger fish don't taste as good so might as well smoke em to make them better tasting and get rid of em quicker
  24. next time try 2 smaller pouches for the slit shot...or use glass beads and split shot in another
  25. i live in kitchener and i always find it nie that people in downtown toronto are so close to such a great fishery! and the backgrounds don't matter that much..try aiming the pics lower
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