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Everything posted by fishinguypat

  1. some canadian tires have sale on matzuo america fishing line...for 3.99 on a spool that can fill 3 reels..i'm thinking of picking up the 6 lb one for steelhead
  2. hey this is also on ontariofishingforums.com
  3. yeah i asked people and they said 30lb thrust for a 15 foot boat is enough but...no i will not buy this i think i'll buy a minn kota 36lb or 40lb
  4. i have a 15 foot boat and i want a trolling motor for the rear (back) do you think this one from canadian tire is ok? http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...ing%2BMotor.jsp -- i don't go fishing that often (4-6 times a year with boat) but i need a trolling motor that will do the job right thanks, -Fishinguypat
  5. u troll with that boat for salmon?
  6. nope not that guy... the guy i'm talking about didn't get hung up...who is that guy? and where was this and when?
  7. for 150 - 300 you can get a good eagle or lowrance or humminbird fishfinder
  8. yeah the line is very strong because it is meant for heavy cover fishing... so do you think i need a leader? if so what kind and i don't want to waste more than 5 bucks on steelhead leader...i know this is enough for salmon even at bronte creek
  9. so its strong?
  10. what battery is meant for starting your engine? gas/electric..my motor has a deep cycle battery on it now ... should it have a cranking battery??? thanks
  11. google images for pink salmon smolt look very close to this... but? maybe rainbow trout? the big eyes are like a pink's
  12. are jacks male salmon??? or male steelhead??? ...or trout that come to the rivers to eat salmon eggs???
  13. trilene xt 8lb ok for steelhead /salmnon?
  14. they were downrigging though
  15. yeah wrong title near grimsby there are a lot of fish now
  16. lots of fish being caght in near grimsby now around the Niagara region ...a man today caught 15 chinook AND STEELHEAD
  17. went to niagara region today to pick up a relative and i checked outport colberne and close to that... the salmon are biting like crazy people said. one man said he caught 15 and another said 10. they are in 70 -90 feet of water and are eating at 40 - 50 feet
  18. i'm going to niagara tommorow to pick someone up an on the way back i will check out a river around there...where is a good spot to check for fishng? american eel or salmon runs?any thing i should check out in the niagara rivers as far as rivers wise?like checking if anglers are fishing for salmon i'm going at 6:00 am to pick my daughter up so going back around 9:00am
  19. wierd a year or two ago i caught a salmon with a fly in its tail
  20. you ate a 60 inch musky? do musky even taste good that big?whatever point is getting a salmon to hit when there schooling is near to impossible when float and roe fishing.when they are brown do they even eat anything? like at bronte last year a salmon rushed to the corner of the stream and my line dragged over him then he just stopped. i was like trying not to set the hook because it was an almost dead salmon but then i was forced to reel in and it was not budging.it took off into a pool and the fish was unhooked...huge fish at bronte
  21. so i guess i don't need fluro? thats a relief i'll just use my nelled hooks on thin line
  22. what should be the better and cheaper way to get flurocarbon for salmon/steelhead? buying a small spool of flurocarbon that can run like $4-$11 or buying apack of leader material that runs like $3-$7 by better and cheaper i mean is clear in the water so you can catch steelhead,and by cheaper mean the better bang for your buck also i do have a snelled hook set with thin line on very very small hooks(i mean like the size of nymph hook)
  23. as i said for the past few years i have been using a float and roe ... but when stream fishing i got all confused beacause i had floater in my egg sacks and the guys beside me caught fish and i had no hits. but last time i went i asked a man "you good at steelheadin? and he said "well i've caught a couple in my time" his technique was a small float, 6-8 lb, line roe with no floaters in them, 2 sinkers, small hook, and his hook was spread about 2 m from the float...his secret was popping one of the eggs to release the scent
  24. well i mean whats the rig weight at the bottom and hook on the line? i only use it if i have to
  25. haha wow got some haters...just asking cause thats all they do in owen sound...i'll stick to bear hooking them(not really) no i use float and roe
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