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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. Ha HA HA, That's so funny. They're either, on Fire, Running out of Water, going to end due to Earthquakes, now, they're all going to starve to Death When is this Fear Mongering that the news are doing going to stop? Its like Listening to Jack saying that we are as bad as the depression. Didn't know our unemployment was in the 30s percent and thousands are climbing trains heading West. FEAR MONGERING, What a bunch of Morons. I think its about time that News actually investigated instead of writing crap that sells to gullible people. Maybe Markets might then stabilize.
  2. seems Fishing Canada did a Brooktrout fishing in the Lindsay area. I believe it was the Little fella Pete Bowman. Get yourself some Topo maps and explore.
  3. Blueman Group is really good. Heres a taste http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5-ClvcHtK4...t=1&index=2 Tull and Enigma ahhhh so-so, you gotta like the music
  4. Yup I hear ya. My ultimate goal was to pay that Damn Morgage off as soon as possible 14 and confirmed 3 yrs ago when I sat with my financial advisor in a Reg Force uniform for the last time. I know one thing. I lost just about one quarter of my savings. But heres where I can sleep. Ive only added one more year of paying on my Mortgage which less than a week ago I had absolutely no Idea if Ill ever pay it off. Its really important as my Pension check like I stated, will vanish when CPP kicks in, will hopefully go into our pockets as long as I work, instead of the Bankers, ( CEOS and their spoiled kids toys)
  5. Thanks for all your opinions guys. I kind of re-m evaluated my situation. Seems I had 20,000 in unregistered funds and 20,000 in an RRSP. Somewhere along the way 10,000 of my planned downpayment to end the Morgage next year ended in an RRSP. Presently Ive lost 8,000 between the two of them and its still loosing. So I locked in 17,500 in a 3.5% GIC for two years. Ill gain half of what I lost and I know I ain't going to lose anymore. Ill only get taxed on the interest gained. The Planned 10,000 that I don't have will be made up of paying off my Mortgage an extra year. Now the 20,000 RRSP which is now at 14,000 I will not touch and hope that it rebounds. Well see what the Royal Bank is made up, of although I think they're like the Criminal Oil and Big three Car companies. Make Millions while the costomer suffers My Big Lesson here is that we should of stuck with what we originally done with the SSIP Financial Manager when I retired. Everything was in ING and protected. Thanks again guys
  6. Three years ago that's exactly what I wanted to do. I retired with a Severance of 1,000 per year of service, 25,000. Here's the Kicker, it had to be Registered or I lose half just in taxes before I even get it. Off to see the Financial manager through the Military. Told her what I wanted to do, pay mortgage with the 30,000. So we GICd it in 10,000 x 3 in case I needed it in case of Emergency. Scary when you get out of a job for 25 yrs and working there before the day you married the Wife and a move to Saskatchewan to a city I never been before. The plan was Mortgage would be payed by the end of the 5 year term. Mortgage at 3.2 percent, and ING GIC of 4% made Wife happy. Last year after some coaxing we decided to go with Mutual Funds. BIG MISTAKE. I want to pay this Mortgage as soon as Possible. In less than 6 months we have lost 25% roughly 1/3. That's one year I have to pay the Mortgage 10,000 to pay the Principle. I look at as 10,000 out of pocket, plus another 10,000 because we added another year= 20,000 so far. This is why. Do I get out now, or hope that I will make it up by next year. My pension check is paying the Mortgage and I'm working for the rest of the Bills. It would be Wonderful if that Pension check goes to us instead of the Bank vacuum. I'm 50yrs old and I will lose that pension to Canada Pension at the age 65. That really sucks.
  7. I know what your saying. I believe my wife probably is thinking like you are. However for me, Ive lost 10,000 in less than a year. So now I have to stay in the Mortgage an extra year with my original plan. So now, its adding another 10,000 out of my Pocket and an extra year the Bank owning the house. I cant see the Logic unless magically I make up that lost money in the next two years. Thats not saying Im even going to lose even more the way the market is. Stimulous or no Stimulous. Maybe I'm thick, but I don't see the Logic in waiting like my Wife figures
  8. Just wondering out of curiosity, With or without Bobber. Seen one of the shows where they used a Ballon.
  9. I almost lost my noodles on that one
  10. It was meant to put on my Mortgage next year. As of now, it'll be the year after at this point. So in Reality its now meant for two years because of what I have lost. Example, 40,000 left on the mortgage, we are paying the principle of 10,000 per year at 3.2% and I believe renewal is next year and we will never get it this low as we had bought it out 4 yrs ago to get this low.
  11. Yup your Right, 700, I just looked at my pic.
  12. I second it for the SS
  13. I have a BPS Micro-lite Supreme which works great in the bush. Excellent drag and holds alot of line. I also have a Mitchell 308 on a longer rod that I use for Pickeral, Panfish, and trolling puny Rapalas. Comes with an extra spool. So I got a choice of 4 or 6 Lb test. Almost forgot, also a Daiwa 750 ultra lite, smoothest Drag in the world and tough
  14. We have a little bit of money that we had saved to pay off our Mortgage in a year or two. Its $30,000 of what was a severance pay as well as an RRSP that we had saved. This amount is 3 years of Mortgage that I had planned on throwing down next year to be Mortgage free. This was my dream and 90% reason why I left the Army and move to Saskatchewan. To be Mortgage free before I croak. Unfortunately we moved the money from a GIC to some stupid Royal Bank fund, thanks to my .... ah never mind. Anyways as of now I may have 20, 000 left and its still going down. This is not or never was a long term investment. What do I do. Im tired of arguing with my wife as she thinks that soon or later it will come Back. I say no, it wont and its getting worse. Every 10,000 we lose we add another year on our Mortgage. We are so close, but now its getting out of hand. I just need to know. Should I pull it out. I'm not trying to make money, just trying to keep money., at this rate, every 1000 I lose, I'm paying an extra 1000 to end my mortgage the way I look at it.
  15. Welcome Back Rick, kind of Missed ya.
  16. We have terminated his services in this company for reasons that I will not to elaborate on the Phone. However if you would like to review any paperwork on him, I will get back to you.
  17. Got the Supertramp, yup great Video DVD
  18. I bet you the commercials are Sears Ted Williams Spinning reels. Remember those back then.
  19. Shouldn't you be in Bed sleeping. How about playing Hockey instead of an umbilical cord tied to the keyboard and screen. HA HA, "Who's your Daddy?" Us old Farts were always too worn out at that time of the morning after doing a little bit more physical activities than Video games and computers.
  20. I just picked up Blueman Group, Jetro Tull..Jack in the Grass, and Enigma. Let you know how it sounds after the Weeknd. Also I would Recommend Alice Cooper Brutal Planet and the Eagles Live in Melbourne. The Eagles DVD will be a good tester for your Home Theatre as the sound is excellent. Also the picture is nice and Crisp
  21. Why dont you Google, anyways read this. NAW http://blogs.consumerreports.org/cars/2008...r-warranty.html
  22. Alice in Chains could be my sleeper if I can ever find it. Slipknot, My morning Jacket, not for me. But yea, Collective Soul and anything by Waters is excellent Any one of these DVDs by Rammstein is good too, especially after a few shots. Live Aus Berlin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6jWmKTMpDg or Lichtspielhaus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uITVSJxLDE
  23. How about the Impact of War for the Environment. The Oil Fires in the first Gulf War. Or the former Yugoslavia. Not sure what the impact of War has done to the fisheries of the Danube or the Gulf. It would be a unique paper that I'm sure no other class mate is doing. You may have to do some hard digging research wise. May want to correspond with some overseas Universities to get help
  24. Agree, Kids grow out fast or get Bored. You never know, you may find a 200 dollar skates for less than $30 I know we all want the best for our Kids, but sometimes you may have to back down a little. As far as Canadian Tire service, no excuses there because they can pick and choose employees. Out here, there is an excuse. There is nobody to fill the demand of jobs so they hire anybody hoping they will show up. I Kid you not.
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