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Everything posted by smally21

  1. finally booked the vacation. one week on scugog out of ceasara area and one week on buckhorn on the mississauga river. any locals want to hook up im bringing my boat and would happily trade a morning or evening on the water, my boat and equipment, for some company and local advice. kawartha fishing has proven very different than the shield lake fishing i do. i have a great set of trent severn maps for planning and navigation. pm if you like scugog last week or aug buckhorn first of september.
  2. you could store it on the tent trailer. fishing out of a canoe is a bit of a war as far as balance goes. add in another guy or the wife and kids and you can barely keep it upright. ive heard fishing out of a dedicated kayak is easier, but wont take the family on a tour. the most stable, roomy option is the tinny.
  3. on a drive out west wed stop at govt rest stops on the side of the highway - cant remember where but they are some of the bestpics from the trip. guys were casting from shore on gravel shore areas and you could see fish following the lures from 100 feet away! good tripping
  4. hth i think i heard about that thru the forum. i usually leave my outboard down when im on the electric, seems to reduce wandering and help boat position when drifting. but trying this steering thing was surprising, on long runs it works great! i dont troll much but on a lake where motors arent allowed this is a comfortable way to cross the lake, or when im sneaking into an area from a distance away. as far as speed goes rich i can get about 4-5 mph at 'top speed'.
  5. thanks rick o'banion. that is the section. unfortunately i used my safe boating guide to start a fire in the rain on scugog or i would give you the page reference. seems like a bit of a stretch to apply it to a local trolling down the shore of mcdougall's pond or something in his 9.9. just checked it is not listed as required equipment on the transport canada site. maybe this guy was just trying to sell charts
  6. there is no question that this requirement is in the safe boating guide and it is the law. i was actually stopped for a safety check today at longpoing and there was no mention of charts. and you're right the safety nazi works in a local marine supply lets just say near the place we might be talking about. this condesceding know it all just about got the what for for his efforts the other day, lecturing me about charts and safety and how the police are going to treat me a certain way because i should know better, . like somehow he knows what is going on everywhere all the time because he can see it from behind the cash register at the marine store. - but anyway enough about this guy, the thing is i had 200$ worth of charts in my hand, he just kept saying they dont meet the standard, which i agree with. the question was enforcement, and i think i have my answer. but just because the opp doesnt ask doesnt mean its not in the guide, which it is. i think im rambling, too long on the water today.......
  7. the safety nazi at our local marine supply is hounding me about how i need to have govt charts for every body of water i'm boating in. 30 years since i got my first boat, 10 years in the marine business, ive fished over 20 different bodies of water this year, not a single time has the opp, coast guard, local marine unit, lock personnel, no one has ever asked me to produce a chart. the regs say govt chart or substantial local knowledge but technically my gps with navionics card would not qualify. i use trakmaps fpr paper charts now, but they dont qualify. lets see - 20 lakes times 25.00 per chart = forget it! anyhoo my question isn't so much the regs just enforcement - please share your experience in regards to safety checks, run ins with opp etc.
  8. cram i dont have color so i cant really answer your question. but i wanted to chime in anyway. i have a humminbird 500 series with gps and i found it very important to learn its features. it has a 100 different settings and shades and its hard to figure out what it all means. however, there is a pile of info on bottom structure and vegetation coming from that unit if i can just decipher it. im sure the unit will deliver much better accuracy if i set zooms, wide beams, inverse refelection, etc. perhaps color charts tell you this in an easier fashion? i wonder is it more important to have/know how to use all of the features than color,black and white issue. ill be interested to see what more experienced guys have to say. perhaps its all just shades of gray........
  9. thanks guys i have all the lock info i need, i'll pick up 2404 or whatever the kawartha federal map is. thanks dutch, if i understand it right from the mouth of mississauga i think i am in lower buckhorn? id need to lock to buckhorn? which doesnt seem to open til 830 or 900, about when i go home from fishing. got a boat ramp at the cottage i'll trailer the thing around if i have to! the chart will give me the details i need but in general how is the navigation around the area?
  10. so ive picked my end of august rental to be on the mississauga river and buckhorn. i understand to the east is lower buckhorn, lovers lake and then fairy and finally stoney. to the south is buckhorn, then chemong to the east and pigeon to the west, then sturgeon and so on. in the area (with 20 miles) of buckhorn what locks do i go thru to access thes lakes? is there a good website showing lock and travel - im sure there is what do you guys use? also a good all in one kawartha lakes shoal map you could suggest.
  11. im surprised at the selection of grocery store cigars. larger chain stores like fortinos and yigs will have a tobacconist with a giant humidor that ontario law no longer allows you to go in but some nice fellow will bring them out to you. maybe easier to find than a smaller private shop. your lungs will thank me! good luck and happy smoking.
  12. it aint an SUV either. my buddy towed a 38' houseboat with an aerostar from hamilton to temagami. awesome. probably wont see the towing companies switching over. i wish i had pics to share with you
  13. my bad paddler. saw sue st marie on the website, didnt realize ramsey is just an hour north of sudbury. posting amended. sound like a real interesting lake, and quite reasonable too. i like the make your own food with their food idea...
  14. im new to the site but this seems to come up about every 10 days or so. check 'i shouldn't tow anything with a compact car' or 'no matter what other member neighbours have got away with'
  15. take a look at tamarvacations.com friend said he had a good time at muskiebayresorts many places around the kawarthas that dont require driving too far good luck
  16. benadryl and most antihistamines contain stong stimulants like ephedrine. they act as vasal (vascular) dilators that shrink swollen cells and tissue. like any amphetamine they can cause hangovers. good thing you didn't eat this toxic fish of death.
  17. it seems like a crap shoot- i buy rods from gloomis usa and pay flat rate 20 us for shipping. 2 out of 4 times (roughly 50%) ive had to pay fees. 3.50 us for shipping these days is a joke, most guys want 11+ for a lure - good fiond!
  18. tamarvacations.com - take a look anyway
  19. great stuff so far gents and as a matter of fact o'banion on an small conservation area near me the other morning i was wailing away in the front casting with just about everything i had in the box, he was at the back giggling as crappies repeatedly and visciously ravaged his hookless rapala as it dragged along in the water, just under the surface.
  20. my latest fishing partner is kinda frustrating. just sits in the truck while i launch the boat. wobbly as all hell on the dock. needs all kinds of snacks and drinks. hard to find a lifejacket that fits. terrible rod handling. no good with hooks. sunburns in minutes. no patience, no outdoors card. always brings his mom. always wants to go faster, or drive. leaves toys in the boat..... did i mention he is 2 years old? ive been bringing him along every other trip, he loves his little ice fishing rod, hasn't figured out that the 'fishy' on the end is a rapala with no hooks. digs the boat, does a lot of driveway fishin. he has also figured out that dad does not catch alot of fish. "we need to catch a fish" he keeps telling me. ive got him started on the little rod and try to go perch or crappy fishing close to home so we are busy and not too long of a drive if all hell breaks loose. no hooks or bait, just up and down on the spinner. how old were your giblets when they caught their first fish?
  21. great post my boy is just coming to fishing age
  22. while some allergic reactions dont appear immediately 4 days is extreme to show symptoms. its possible you got into something else just prior to the reaction, as the rash is most definitely a reaction due to its tendency to not be local to the injury. infection wouldn't explain the rash but would explain increasing tenderness, reddening of the area and joint pain starting near the injury and spreading. blood poisoning results in extreme, and i mean EXTREME pain of the joints and serious swelling. just to be sure you should catch the fish and put a stake thru its heart.
  23. take a look at the rodzuka. or make one with 4" pipe. that cabelas anglers rack looks great!
  24. ive fished fifty point this year, and valens, and binbrook. cant say i tried to hard as i usually fish in bigger water out of the boat. just remember at 530 you'll be looking at a locked gate at most conservation areas! all these stocked reservoirs are not so full of fish ofany size, seems to be lots of little guys. seems to be a lot of guys with a worm and a hook catching sunfish-type thingies. as always after 5 minutes i say where is my boat! Hamilton harbour has bigger fish than the reservoirs, binbrook is full of crappy. dunville dam always has lots of guys fishing there. caledonia dam has lots of guys, and there is a dam in brantford called wilkes that has 1.5 lb bass whose mouths look like harmonicas! check the treads for deer creek and consider renting a small boat there. get your little boat going and fish grand river shorelines above and below the dam in dunville, or troll for walleye below the dam. i see lots of little boats perch fishing in dover and maitland. let me know how it turns out, im always looking for local spots to fish with the boat, there are lots but im just starting to figure them out.
  25. fishing in really dark water is tough on my confidence. its especially difficult if you are used to clear northern lakes where i cansee my lure most of the time. somehow i get this idea that if i cant see how could the fish? i imagine a bunch of bass with dark glasses feeling their way along the bottom with sticks to avoid collisions with stationary objects. of course the fish have 50 million years of hunting skills and they live in that water every day,relying on senses like smell and sensing vibration. as always Rich you have a great way of putting things
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