I know there are allready too many rants, but I need to vent...
To begin my day, I get into work this morning, turn on my computer, and all of a sudden, my background gets replaced by a message saying that my computer has been seriously infected. Then shuts down, and won't start. Off to the comuter guy who tells me it is in fact very serious and he's not sure if he'll be able to save all my files...and no, I hadn't backed up my files in quite some time.
I get through the morning keeping positive thoughs and decide to out for lunch. I stop in at the gas station to fill up on the way back to realize I do not have my wallet. Tell the attendant that I will have to come back and pay later. Retraced my steps since the last time it was used, but couldnt find it. I literaly tore my office, house and truck apart looking for it. No luck.
THEN, THE WORST PART OF ALL, As I got back to work my boss tells me I have to work this weekend. Brand new boat, walleye opener, and I have to work...
I really hope my day dosent get any worse...
Thanks for letting me vent...lol