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Everything posted by LucG

  1. Its not chicken and its not shrimp! Their having a real blast watching me break my brain trying to figure it out. I'm pretty sure they aren't pulling my leg either. They said they brought minnows, but they were catching everything on this "secret bait". I'll have to ask if it was cheese.
  2. It isnt salmon eggs, worms, or maggots... It isnt gulp... I think its something that isnt sold as fish bait. Something very unconventional... I asked if it could be found in the grocery store and they said yes...lol
  3. A few buddies of mine went out trout fishing the other day and were really succesful. Allthough they would not tell me what they were using for bait. They admitted it was not minnows or corn, and said they would not tell me until I guess it correctly. Can anyone share their ideas as to what they might have been using. It is organic... Thanks
  4. Here's a few tips for you... Don't buy a rod that come with line allready on the spool. Theres no way of telling how long that line has been on there, and often leads to a tangled mess due to its memory. Watch out for some of the cheaper reels with, usually with only one bearing. They usually have low quality grease in them as well. These two factors usualy lead to a stiff reel in cold weather. Make sure you chose a rod that suites the species your fishing. Alot of the lower end rods are all med-hvy. If your targeting pan fish, an ultra light rods is key. Hope this helsp when chosing your rod/reel. Good luck
  5. I knew there was some reason behind my madness...
  6. Thats crazy! My 30 HP Honda on the back of my 16' Lund may reach 25mph....lol
  7. It drives a few of my friends nuts as well...but I couldnt care less... Besides, the smaller ones are better tasting for a reason. This one had a very large abnormal growth on its side.
  8. ok, 24"...lol
  9. Pulled in my first walleye in the shack last night, and it could not have been a better one to ask for. Allthough I was really hoping for a few nice sized eating fish, i was not disapointed. Measured 24", but I put her back anyways. We're fishing in about 35FOW and caught this one on a huge shinner at about 4:45.
  10. I was out there earlier in the day and though to myself: "I'm surprised no one has gone through yet!" I ended up leaving shortly before 4, seems as if I just missed the action.
  11. I second that!
  12. Thanks T.J. and Dave Great way to annouce the winners!
  13. Great Show! Can't wait for the next.
  14. If I were to trap them, I would definitly snare them. But since this township is bordering Algonquin park, the wolves are protected.
  15. You got that right! They didnt survive the season by being stupid. lol I managed to get a stupid doe and faun tho In this area its prob a mix, we call them brush wolves. They are not quite as big as a true northern timber wolf.
  16. Yes, it will be a long wait. Until then, I'll keep looking at these pics. Should I post one up in the ice shack? lol
  17. OK OK ... I know it is now January and everybody has switched over to hardwater fishing, and so have I. But the other day I went and retreived my trail cam that I had left at my deer stand and was amazed at the acticity. From November 28th to December 24th, I had my camera maxed out at 3400 pictures. All deer, besides the odd blue jay and rabbit. I figure there were about 5-6 (in my eyes) trophy bucks. Dozens of smaller spike horns, 4,6 & 8 points, and many many does and fauns. I've picked out a few of the nicer bucks, as well as a group of canines hot on their trail. There's allways next year...right... Enjoy...
  18. Count me in! Is this the thread I should keep an eye on for further details?
  19. Just give it some time! With colder weather, those bucks will come out to play!
  20. I know buying a new boat is prob. not an option...lol...but there are these types of boats out there.
  21. Welcome to OFC
  22. We'll have to go to Temagami this winter. I caught some pretty decent lakers there last year.
  23. At my work we have a trapping supply store called Trans Canada Trapline. They have a product for people wanting to home tan their own pelts. Its called Trapper's Hide Tanning Formula. It sells at 13.99 per bottle. One or two bottle should be enough for a coyote. Let me know, I can have it out for you today
  24. LucG

    Fall Eyes

    Nice fish! Looks tasty!
  25. LucG

    Gun Shops

    PM Sent Cool, I'll check them out. Thanks guys
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