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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. My father was just telling me about angling outfitters in Woodstock... Yes Joshlyn is an excellent guy to deal with he will not steer you wrong either.. figure it out Cambridge to far end of Woodstock or Cambridge to Hamilton Mountain ????
  2. OKAY who made resurvations for last night there and how were they
  3. I live in Cambridge... Check with Greg & Tim at Bills Bait and Tackle in Hamilton, I deal with them a lot and they will go out of their way to help set you up with the proper setup
  4. X3 All the best to all My Friends and Family on OFC
  5. You can make the trip to St Kits right off the Highway before Niagara Falls
  6. Such Excellent words Roy, all the best to you and your family and all the best to my friends and family here at OFC
  7. Looks like only 6 what about the other members in the area??????
  8. Under 18 years old or 65 years+ No Outdoors Card or fishing licence tag required. Government-issued identification with your name and date of birth. You must follow catch and possession limits for sport fishing This is from the 2016 REGS that are on the message board here ???
  9. Loonietoon, you will come as long as it isn't just me there? My feelings are bruised. No that is not the way it is, I do not hurt any bodys feelings, its just people say they are going to show and they dont. Last year there were only 5 out of how many that said they were. The one year before Albert setup a resurvation at a bar and only Albert and myself showed up so with people dropping out I selected to cancel it out. If people want to make a date and Place, Im all in.
  10. Merry Christmas T.J. Monica and Family Lets Continue to make this site # 1 for sure
  11. Art, Merry Christmas to all and a Prosperous New Year
  12. We are all going to my dads this evening ( he turns 85 in January ) so we need to be with him. Going to my Daughters Christmas Day for supper ( got to make sure dad gets his Christmas Turkey see says ) Got to LOVE FAMILY nothing else needed
  13. Wishing ALL MY FREINDS a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS hope you all get what you want
  14. I have no problem with that as long as we have others for sure??
  15. Looks like a cancelation then.... no go
  16. Fluke Transport has been around for a long time in Hamilton.. Started out as 1 truck then slowly built up to what they are now... still small but into a lot of Storage and Wharehousing... Did a lot of work for Proctor and Gamble (P&G) before they got big and moved to Brantford. Their slogen is catchy though
  17. Well fighting WSIB now Lew with a Lawyer... They wont agnowledge it as work relater as its classified as Digenetive disc disese and related to age even though I had a withess seen me slip and twist on the ice at work and it took me 84 dayy to go for medical help.. they do not recognize that I was trying to shake it off.. dont go running to the hospital with a sliver in my finger....
  18. Might try to make it happen this year but will have to see as I am off work with a Herniated Back and pinched nerves in it
  19. Norm I guess they figure better leave well enough alone
  20. I would if I could Lew.. Fishing with you would be a HONOR my friend
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