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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. I was ROBBED any thing caught under my boat that wins is 1/2 MINE I'm in
  2. You have to watch Dave... He hangs around Chris to much.... short poles
  3. Yes it was great to meet some of the members that l have not met before and have fun with the others that l have been friends with for so long and we did not down a few cold ales
  4. I know the distance Norm.. I hope to come up this summer I know what you mean Dave.. just dont forget my beer Not tuching that Albert
  5. Geez Bruce.. couple shots or rye or scotch should help
  6. That is Terrible my friend and yes they will have video as all the stores have video cameras around... Take care of your self
  7. Get to Gether.. we are meet and sit and gab and meet other members
  8. Hold of till spring and mine will be up for sale 16.5ft with side consol with 70hp evenrude and spare motor and other parts resonable price
  9. Pick you up at the airport Roy.. sure we can find a bed for you with a few friends... no tying you up this time Sure Spiel has some extra room????
  10. I know you are right Lew.. Boy did we have a few GREAT GTG at the Firemans Hall
  11. Had to go out yesterday and buy 2 new rods for my CHRISTMAS PRESENTS l found in my fishing closet Friday... KIDS said about time you found the rest of you PRESENTS. Dam KIDS.. Got to love THEM 7-6 ST Croix Triumph Med Fast paired with Abu Cardinal 104i 5 bearing 5-1 retreve & 7ft Med Fast Shimano Convergence paired with a Shimano Sedona 2500FD 5 bearing 6-1 retreve & and a gift card for Bill's Bait for $200.00 Dam KIDS
  12. Only a few locals going to show... Hammertown must be losing the UMP.. a few from out of town going to show and others say we need a GTG..
  13. Looks like you had a great year for the short time out
  14. Sorry to hear of this dreaded disease has struck you... hope you can get the help you need there as they did a lot with Waynes daughter l believe it was there. The gift to received from someone from the OFC Family does not surprise me at all. Prayers for you my friend
  15. Got to agree with Chris ... Keep up the great work and all will work out just fine... heaven help him when he gets home with his companion...
  16. How are things with the owner and how is the dog getting along
  17. Hell Dave, I cant even remember my own name at times.. just ask Speil or Dave let alone Albert
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