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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. All the best wishes for you and Sue my friend.. that must have been the module l was looking at also ....sweeeeeeet
  2. I also looked at those modules to Cliff and they did not look to bad at all price was reasonable I believe for what I was looking at
  3. That I believe is what he was reffering too was the digital version... Thanks Mike... Neighbour
  4. Hey Cliff always looking you never know there were a few there that l looked at very seriously for sure.. still have mine but it may be time to replace it .. they looked so good and were setup so well for myself and my son.. and a little extra 3 bedrooms with room for a few others
  5. heck Mike I was at the RV show there and gave the guy at your booth my email and he was going to send me a copy of you Mag... still waiting for it
  6. Hey Cliff, I was there till 3.30 Friday as well sorry I did not run in to you sure would have been great to see you again
  7. Looks like I have 2 Tables at the Bassmasters Swap Meet .. now I have to get stuff together
  8. You have never had to pay to park at the Spring Fishing & Boat Show... The Sportsman Show is the one you are thinking of.. That is WHY they have now moved to the International Center and the have also signed a long term contract there as well for the Spring Breaks
  9. I am waiting to hear if I have a table or not.. lots of stuff to sell that I have never used.. lots of Muskie lures also
  10. Thank everyone for the info.. have to sell mine 1st then move to another boat.. easier on my back
  11. Heck they were sending the POLICE to Arrest me.. told them I was here waiting but to have the POLICE stop by the beer store because I was just about out of BEER LOL Oh here is the # they called from 343-600-3469 out of OTTAWA
  12. I do agree with what you say Roy.. every person has their own ideas of a boat they want if available
  13. Albert, mine is not what they need as you know my boat... it is on the classified now as well as kijiji
  14. I know.. been talking to Clarence & Doug They have what I am looking for just about but got to sell mine 1st.. not enough room in the driveway for 2 boats
  15. There are lots around there in some of the conservation areas l have found.. lots of fun
  16. Thanks for the link.. was looking at 1 already
  17. Thinking that or Lund or something along that line
  18. Thanks Lucas but looking for a 60hp motor or so
  19. Well it is time to sell the old girl and buy the new boat (to me) so it is time for me to start looking.. Any ideas must 16ft tiller
  20. Thanks Mike, much appreciated and see you there... if you have a few decals L would like 3 or 4 for the truck
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