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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. Glad you got a replacement rod, but you said you sent a email to Fenwick and you did not receive a reply as of yet. The lady at Vaughan should not of made a statement if not sure, If it would not have been covered which I dought it is a guide and l am sure would have been. I would wait to hear back from Fenwick (Pure Fishing) 1st before making that Statement you might have been surprised
  2. Hey Lew, You are right I have a few that work so I also will be selling quite a few of at a reasonable price. Just got to take pics then get them on the board
  3. Congratulations Bruce and to your entire family
  4. Id like to know what pic #6 is because that stuff is nice in my barrels
  5. The trip was great fishing different story. Have to try another spot next time
  6. Happy BIrthday Joey.... Nice Bling
  7. Staying at Adventure Bay Fishing Camp Gore's Landing Told my boss I would not be in Friday... no I got him wondering whats going on
  8. Well I have been forced by a few friends that I need to get away fishing and have now been told that I have been ambushed this weekend for fishing on Rice Lake and I had better go or I am in real trouble with my kids... What do I do FISH
  9. Lew that is an understatement for sure.. he was a excellent host with his loving wife Leslie and their family... The whole Cameron Family are great friends to all who graced their Lodge as well He will truly be missed and his Family is probably going to need help if we can give it
  10. I am deeply saddened to this news. Kevin & Leslie are great friends to us all and Kevin will be sadly missed by Leslie and all of us that knew him. Please keep us informed as to the Memorial and I will make the trip to be there
  11. Was great to get over to the swap meet.. met with Bruce and his son as usual and talked a little, met with Chris(Spiel) and Julie, Albert and Dave. Yes bought a BIG TACKLE bag for tackle boxes instead of carrying all my boxes, Big Tackle Bag for liquid tackle Did I Say That
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Norm Have a great day and get well soon my friend
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY also Wayne. .. HEY LOOK John Wayne all in one The DUKE has Spoken
  14. Just finished booking Adventure Bay Fish Camp for the May 24 weekend.. All fishing so 3 bedroom 6 guys.. 1 extra boat so that is all I can tell you
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY John I know Barb will look afteryou
  16. never forget the time at a Christmas party in Paris On. dressed as Santa on way out of Paris spot check... officer came over asked If I had anything to drink and still wearing the Santa outfit I said Rudolf I told you to turn right not left.. stupid raindeer sipping to much eggnog again officer ... said back to other officers Santa's okay but that Rudolf to much eggnog again but he's not driving so Santa can go
  17. just finished booking at Adventure Bay Fish Camp on Rice Lake for the long weekend.. gave me an excellent price Did research Golden as well but did not get very good answers... just keep on checking that area is all I can say
  18. I see the BBQs are still in tact... was on my way out for a surprise visit and did not make it. Got in an accident outside of TO 5 cars yes mine included 1 guy passing lost control came into my lane and hit me put me in ditch then caused 3 others to collide That was my surprise trip
  19. Way to go Mike.. no more truck driving soon
  20. As most of you know 3 yrs ago I lost my wife to Cancer 6 months later lost my mother to a Kidney Infection and my so called friends could not or did not want to understand why I was not running out Fishing and doing other things that I use to just run off and do. Almost lost my dad 5 months ago it an infection in the hospital and if I had not been there he would not be here today... Long story and I don't want to burden any one with it. All my so called friends are gone.. good ridden's if they are happy that way good for them. I like Wayne, Bruce and probably others have other priorities and if others can not accept it... too bad.. I still have my Disabled Son at home with me and he his my priority Sorry to rant
  21. I happen to own one Gerritt and expensive but worth every penny.. Great Smoker also
  22. Great Stuff for sure Mike// Might be time to give up playing truck driver
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