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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Ron, that sounds delish! I'm gunna try that. I have a home made recipe that I made up when I brought home some pickerel but had not generic fish crisp. The process is similar to others. Dry fillets, egg wash, mix in breading, then fry in a pan. I've used all sorts of fluid ranging from butter, veggie oil, canola oil, cocoa nut butter, butter. I still haven't tried lard yet. The different is in the home made fish crisp. The qty all depends on how many fillets you have. Here's the ingredients I use: Italian bread crumbs. (or bread crumbs mixed with Italian seasoning) Bisquick (or pancake mix) Chili powder Salt Pepper Spike seasoning Natures Seasoning. Add what ever else you want!
  2. I'm in for a 1 shirt as long as they're not WHITE! Make them black, or brown, and dark blue, green, whatever, just not white. I never wear white shirts fishing Maybe a logo like.. OFC.. The facebook of fishing!
  3. I had a look at this. Using the software I have, I can't get it to work. Sorry man! There has to be an easy way to do it, but I don't have the extra time to tinker with it right now.
  4. When I running line at night, I crank the volume on my fish alarm on the Humminbird. It wakes me up everytime there's a fish under the hut. Rod it within arms reach, so I just reach over and start jigging.
  5. From what I saw it was kind of hybernating in the a cage (den'ish like habbitat). They are going to release it back to the wild once the spring comes and other bears start coming out of their dens.
  6. You can start the wild oats inside, then transfer outdoors once the chance of frost has gone
  7. Well done for sure. Nice report and pics.!
  8. Interesting choice if reels. Is that an old school Shimano FX2000 rear drag?
  9. PM Sent. I might be able to help you out. No 100% sure though, cuz I've never tried it on my software before.
  10. They say the bear is going to A-OK. It was just in rough shape when they found it. All good now.
  11. Here's one picture of it. It had crows sitting on it pecking at his skin..
  12. I'm no expert, but from those pictures, and from what the real experts where saying... That bear looked screwed up. Not likely to survive more then a few days in that state. But yes. I get what you're saying
  13. I see the oil stain didn't come out of your jacket Nice sink of fish you got there Chad!
  14. I aggree. It's not good to see any animal in distress like that. A quick, humain kill while hunting is a different story.
  15. http://www.ctvbarrie.ca/category/news/ A young black bear came out early and almost died from starvation. Not something you would expect to see while ice fishing in the middle of winter. But with the weird winter we've been having, I expected to hear of at least one or two situations like this. It's the first story on the news for Monday Feb 6th. Sounds like the bear is going to be just fine.
  16. I've never seen one. Not sure I'd want to. There are lots of fishers around my area though. At least two living with in a 5km stretch of road.
  17. I've never been winter camping before. But have been doing a little research lately. I'd like to give it a try. Maybe next winter. From what I can tell, as long as your prepaired, it's not to bad.
  18. No kidding. We poked fun at that all weekend. A true yurt is supposed to be portable. It would take a week to break this thing down, and a flat bed truck to move it. In no way, shape or form is this a traditional dwelling of a nomad.. But it was a comfy and warm place to stay. I think the best part was sitting on the lake in pitch black dark with the yotes howling all around you. Good thing I had bud the spud!
  19. A yurt is a semi-perminant tent structure. This one aint going no where. Parks Canada have been putting them out at select campe sites around Ontario. It's a good way to get people out in nature that don't like "roughing" it.. If you call camping at a national part "roughing" it.. I don't This one is at Bruce Peninsula National Park. They have 10 of them.
  20. As comfortable.. Yes, way more comfortable.. BUT.. You can't ice fish at night in the Yurt. And getting up to stoke the fire sucks Specially when you smash your head on the bunk above
  21. $150 bucks eh.. I guess it's worth it, specially if you don't have power at your camp.
  22. That's the most football I've watch in about 16 years.. Not a big fan. But that was a bit of a nail bite'r at the end!
  23. I was going to post earlier to tell you to get a pair of re-issue combat boots for $60. But thought I might get flammed by the hard core hikers. But now that some others have mentioned it :whistling: I use a pair of combat boots for SAR, and put them thru absolute hell . They are also my primary hunting boot. And for the whopping $57 I paid for them, I don't really care if I wreck them. The Vibram sole is great. Bought a comfy pair of insoles, and some wax polish. They are the most waterproof boot I've warn (rubber boots excluded). I suppose if you where doing a 100km trek, something lighter would be nice.. But I usually stick to the weekend events.
  24. I very good long time friend had a chance to rent a Yurt for a weekend during the off-season. The original plan was to have 3 couples camp out the weekend in a Yurt. But some last minute changes happened. Only two of us could make it. When I got to his place, I was (as always) warmly greeted by his two dogs. they where very interested in the minnows. We packed up a few last things, then headed over to the Yurt. Check out these pictures. What a cool way to spend the weekend! Wood stove, drop down double bed, bunk beds (double on bottom, single on top) table set for 4, storage cabinets , sky light, 3-tiered patio with a bar and BBQ. And to boot, it was less the 30' from the water!! And it came with a sleigh for dragging our gear on to the ice You can see the water through the trees.. The wood stove (which was way over sized for the Yurt.. It was 20° inside all weekend) The sky-light. (which can open for more ventilation) Drop down double bed. Bunk beds Toasty fire! This little guy was very cool. A fan that runs from the heat generated from the fire. Made in Canada. This thing ran all weekend, no batteries or nothing. Very cool. We made it out fishing, and managed two eater pickerel. Crappy cell phone pics at night.. No flash The next morning we tried a different area and ended up sitting on a school of perch for a few hours. Biggest was 11.5". Took home 7 for lunch. This will be my last full weekend long fishing trip for the year. Just day trips from now on. Camping in the yurt was awesome. I would do it again in a heartbeat. But next time I'm calling top bunk. I woke up a few times at night to move around and WHALED my head on the support logs for the top bunk.... literally.. I've been bugging my buddy to join OFC.. Hopefully he does. He's an avid outdoorsman, and could contribute a lot to this community.. I'll keep buggin him!
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