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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Or if you're me. Pull start the sled.. Pull start the augar. Twist the cap off the thermos.. Set to rods up real close so you don't have to run anywhere..
  2. I like ice fishing with guys like you. Send em out first. If he can make it must be ok for me!
  3. I only started ice fishing about 5 years ago. Before that I never steped foot on the ice. To tell you the truth, the worse the weather, the more I like it. To me, there's nothing beter then sitting in -35°c in heavy winds and zero visiblity jigging a few km from shore for white fish. It is nice to fish from a hut from time to time though
  4. Yep. Well said Lew. I didn't look at the seat belt thread untill is was a few pages deep. Thought I would see what all the talk was about. Watched the video, and glad I did..
  5. I didn't think of that. Poll has been edited with that option added.
  6. Be easy on me. This is my first Poll. I'm sure it's been done before, just not that I can remember. With all of the NF posts as of late, I thought a little fishing related poll might be refreshing to some. The concept of "Winternet" has never really set in to my brain. I'm one of those guys who likes the winter more then the summer. I Ice fish every weekend, both Saturday, and Sunday if my wife allows it. I fish much more during the hard water season then I do in the soft water. And definitely spend less time in front of the computer. I have always wondered what % of OFNers hit the ice during the hard water season?
  7. I've always wanted to go back up to Pickle Lake where I was born. Should be some decent fishing up that way..
  8. Thanks for the heads up. I herd they made an arrest in the case, but I don't know for sure. For the family sake, I hope the find what they're looking for. A bit of a slap in the face to the cops. They found body part in the bush across the road from the station..
  9. While we're in the subject of Gobies.. Is it illegal to feed a dead goby to a flock of seagulls while on the water?
  10. Nice job man! It's always fun seing people catch a fish for the first time
  11. Heartfelt condolences. That's very sad news.
  12. Good.. Cuz I don't have much gas in the tank. I always start at my favorite spot, then fan our from there. Thanks Fisherman!
  13. Very sorry for you loss Brian. I know it's been a rough time for you in the past few years with the pups. Everything happens for a reason.
  14. I was on the fence about going out tomorrow morning. But now that I read this... Hmm. Anyone want to go perchin tomorrow morning? Room for 2 more in the boat..
  15. That's a great video. Massive Moose!
  16. Lots of guys pre-fishing today. Good luck to any OFNers involved!
  17. Wiarton? I'm over near Midland. That's to far of a drive. Way to far of a drive.
  18. I look forward to that! Can't say I've ever herd of someone's hut being used as an out-house. But I'm sure it has happened. That's brutal eh..
  19. This was my first attempt at building a portable hut. I messed up. Made it far to heavy for a portable. That's why I want to convert it to a permanent hut. I don't get any use out of it as a portable unit. It's just a little to heavy for the Bravo to be towing it all over the lake. I only run it when my fishing buddies bring their quads..
  20. Thanks for the comments so far guys. Simcoe is a run and gun lake for me 90% of the time. Now that my hut will be a permanent style, I don't know how much I will use it. Probly set it up for perch in one of the bays if I do choose Simcoe. I'm just thinking out loud now..
  21. I am moving to a new house in December. The last few years, I've been out on Simcoe every weekend. But I'm moving up to Irishfield's neighbourhood. I don't know if I should put the hut on Simcoe, G-Bay, or find a little back lake within a 30 minute drive. My fishin partner lives in Alcona, so I will be down there a few times for sure. What would you do. I enjoy all types of fishing. I would love to find a good crappie lake.. Some winter walleyes would be great too! These are my options right now... More are welcome! Simcoe - off Alona somewhere (40 minute drive, but lots of whitefish!) Simcoe, in the north part of the lake (a little closer drive - say 25 minutes) Penitang bay - only 15 minutes from my house. Wuabushene (20 minute drive) 6-Mile (30 minute drive) This will be my fist year leaving my hut out all year. I'm converting it from a homemade flip up, to a solid hut. One other thing to consider is my tow vehicle.. A 250 bravo. .. So it can't be a long tow. Something within a few km of shore. Any input would be great.
  22. Nice job! Sounds like a great way to spend a week! I think next year, I'm going to send my wife to the caribean for a week with her friends, and then take off moose hunting with the boys.. Never been before, looks like a blast.
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