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Everything posted by chuckymcd

  1. They just want to make it red to support the habs on sat. night lol
  2. Is that really necessay? Brutal chuck Guys, you seem very knowledgeable and intelligent, but also very naive as consumers. My total cost for electricity to come out of my outlets over the last year. = $1928 The total KWH for the last year = 12 346 My experienced cost of electricity as it comes out of my outlets ‘on average’ is = 15.6 cents / KWH. [the 18.7 cents / KWH must have been based off of one of my more expensive bills] Add 10% to 15.6 [comes into effect May first] = 17.16 cents / KWH. [Also on May 1st we switch to summer pricing] For the ease of shopping and comparing I will likely assume a 20 cents / KWH or a 15 cents / KWH. To say that electricity costs 6.7 cents/kWh for off-peak, 10.4 cents/kWh for mid-peak and 12.4 cents/kWh during peak demand times does not take into account all the ‘other fees’ as it should. We pay them, thus it is a cost for us to have electricity. It’s a no brainier. To do otherwise is like saying the cost of driving a car is only the cost of the gasoline you put into it, and we all know there is car payments, insurance, repairs, etc.
  3. lol im in the lighitng industry as well and bassassin is 100% right for calculating hydro savings I use $.11 a KWH its the standard in the industry and if your buying an LED for 8 bucks its going to be garbage, our LED a19 bulb goes for around $35-$40.00 Chuck
  4. Notty is probly the higest i have seen it in a very long time
  5. I know a good plumber and a sparky. you will def. need both at least. I also know a kitchen installer if needed. all 3 of them are my neighbours, comes in handy from time to time. Plumber installes for devon Leigh and the sparky is union out of barrie fully lisenced. PM me if you would like there contact info. Both located in Angus chuck
  6. Habs and leafs tonight, GO HABS GO

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Gotta go for the Leafs as well.

    3. Acountdeleted


      Go leafs. Try to make it intersting tonight habs. :)


    4. chuckymcd


      They layed a smash down!!!!! hahahahaha

  7. Nice vid, Looks like fun!
  8. nice fish!
  9. might have to check out some rivers this weekend!

  10. Awesome, lots of nice bass there man!
  11. I Dont think I would feel safe on the great lakes in a 12 foot boat, but thats just me. Good Luck
  12. The True cannadian outdoors bait and tackle (old 400 bait and tackle) is having 20% off everything in the store. They are pretty much right beside bass pro.
  13. Thanks guys sometimes the best pics are done in the water
  14. Nice Fish!
  15. Thanks Chris
  16. Hey everyone, I figured I would try to keep the fishing reports going. Got out on the notty wed during the day, first time I have had the chance to drift a section of the notty. The weather was fantastic and we had high expectations, unfortunatly the fish had other ideas and it was tough fishing the entire day. One guy in our group landed 6, another lost 2 and I went 1-3. Although the fishing was tough it was better then being at work! Here is my one fish from the day!
  17. http://www.wateroffice.ec.gc.ca/index_e.html water levels for rivers
  18. wouldnt bother with the credit, The notty would be my choice, but tough river to fish if you have never been there. Good luck
  19. beauty fish man!
  20. THat things a tank! good job!
  21. best net man ever lol
  22. This guy is my new hero http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/82484792/
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