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Everything posted by chuckymcd

  1. I think It is, Now when I watch a show thats not in HD it looks awful. Also if you like sports HD all the way!
  2. oh my Sounds like a good outing! glad you had fun.
  3. good stuff, I dont know how many times ive hooked a tree fly fishing, its a pain sometimes!!
  4. That is great!
  5. Nice fish, I have always wanted to catch a peacock!!!
  6. I usually just use a circle hook and a big slip sinker, throw some cut bait on and relax. Good Luck!
  7. ED Sheeran, killer voice, great tunes. He makes this tune all with his voice, no instruments. I hope it hasent been put up. didnt go through all 70 pgs of this lol
  8. you usually have to fish out all the small ones before you get to the big guys. Oh and welcome to the board!
  9. Thanks guys! ya I was pretty happy in that picture lol Tight Lines. Chuck
  10. Those are some killer fish man, good job! those brownies are fantastic looking fish!
  11. This topic has been brought up quite a bit over the time ive spent on this site. I thought we all came to the conclusion that it is ok to snap a quick picture and release the fish. That being said, the pics on the grass we probably could have done with out. And the Hat is great BTW
  12. Good Morning everyone, I dont normally post reports but seeing as how it was opener i figured I would share it with you all. I am fairly new in the steelheading and river fishing, this being my 2nd opener. Last year I got skunked and only managed one all last year. This year I was determend to get into some fish. I was out of the house at 4:30 and at the river by 5:30. It didnt take long to get into the first one, a little shaker. Then I had to re-tie and first drift after I hooked into my PB! All in all went 2/2 in 2 hours of fishing, all fish were returned to the river to live another day! Cant wait to get back out!
  13. Not to sure on the braid, maybe a 10 or 15 lbs, and around a 4 or 5 pound flouro. try throwing some spinners as well if you find it hard to float fish with a bait caster Tight Lines
  14. I Do believe that the pearch derby is going on now, If you want to get a spot you will have to go very early there is hundreds of people that fish the peir during the derby. Good Luck Thow!
  15. lol ok, some city folk
  16. bass, sunfish, perch They used to stock the pond every year with rainbows, so i would imagine there would be some in there still. Blows my mind that people camp there all summer long, city folk think it is the north and in the bush lol. I grew up there. Not a bad spot but not my ideal place to put an rv for the summer lol
  17. Im pretty sure you can not tap into it for a 120v dusk to dawn, However im sure they make dusk till dawn sensors at the required voltage. But im not a sparky, others will probly know better.
  18. hahahaha that is the greatest thing ive heard in a long time. Well played!
  19. I will have to agree with you NAW, A baseball tourny is not community service. if they did that to raise money for a charity or something instead of paying the fines with it, then maybe I would be for it.
  20. In case anyone is interested I heard on the radio this morning that they are going to charge the stranded people the $5,000.00 that it cost for the rescue effort. They mentioned something about community service as well, maybe in lieu of the fine.
  21. Thanks Nip for the info, We will not be going anywhere near zone 11, so no worries there, way 2 far for a trip right now lol. I think we found a place to go. Dont know if it will have ice still , but going to give it a shot anyways. Thanks for all the info guys!
  22. I think we are heading a little bit south of there, so I will be hoping its ok. But thanks for the update good to know!
  23. Great link, thanks for the info!
  24. Thanks guys, i will be traveling with another guy. we will give it a shot, if we cant fish then we will just relax!
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