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Everything posted by chuckymcd

  1. Awsome thanks that is just what im looking for
  2. welcome to the show, lots of good info here!
  3. Good Morning Everyone, I was given a boat recently however as far as I know the motor has not been run in about 3-4 years. The boat has been sitting outside for this time. I was wondering what are the first steps I should check to see if the motor will even run? or should I take it to a mech. and see if its worth while to get running? The motor is a johnson 40hp outboard, any help would be great or if you need any more info i will try to supply it but im not very knowlegable in this area Thanks
  4. nice report, and i was there for the hip, great show but the mess at the end of the concert was a bit much!
  5. im heading there as well cant wait! its gonna be a bleep show!
  6. awsome thanks for the answers guys i will def. look into some of these places!
  7. Hey guys and gals, I have done a bit of searching but cant seem to find any good camp grounds that are nice and have boat rentals. If you guys have any recomendations it would be great. Thanks guys Fins
  8. mine is pretty easy, my 2 passions in life fishing and Golf
  9. nice pics
  10. Thats good stuff, I renewed mine about a month and a half ago and still havent received my card
  11. The notty is pretty much toast, the spring run is done, you might have a couple drop backs hanging out in some pools closer to the mouth. I would not fish the notty as stated above its really high and dirty. find some smaller creeks for some residant browns or bows but other then that theres not 2 much in the area.
  12. To small I cant read the details, anyway you can make it bigger?
  13. I was out there for about 4 hours fishing off the rocks and a couple of little taps on the bait but thats it. You guys were lucky 2 get one, every boat that came in said they were skunked as well. Good job on the little kitty
  14. voted, hopefully not 2 late
  15. I live in the area and have some friends who work there, woord is they will be going to 4 hr shifts with the option to take the other half off non paid or use vacay time I used to work for F and P i feel for you guys
  16. Sweet thanks for the info guys, looks like im not heading up this weekend, maybe next if the weather will start to get nicer
  17. Hey Guys and Gals, Just wondering if anyone is in the Dunnville area? i want to head there this weekend but with the cold weather coming in I dont know if its a good idea. Anybody know the water temp? or if the cats are in yet? Its quite the trip for me so I dont want to go all the way there then find out theres nothing in the river yet Thanks Chuck
  18. WINNING!!!
  19. Thought i would add one Old School
  20. I just went through this, what i had to do was get a sworn affidavit from my lawyer stating that to the best of my knowledge the sled was not stolen and i am the rightful owner, take that to the DMV and as long as it dosent come up stolen in their records they will switch the owner ship over. Affidavit cost like 30 bucks
  21. i could never do this, no matter what the wife wanted to do. good luck bud
  22. that was freaking sweet, cant say i would ever attempt it tho
  23. sweet pics looking foward to seeing the rest!
  24. I hope they find him, simcoe can be a nastly lake at times. Boat safe everyone especally in the fall with colder water temps!
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