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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. Well my wife is off for a 9 day trip for business tommorow morning so we did Fathers day today! We went to the Toronto Zoo and had a great time! Its so much fun seeing all the animals (i think i got a kick out of it more then my 2 year old) Here are some pictures from the day! My wife and son The rhino, one of my favorites of the day for sure! And a video fo the Rhino up close. What a beast! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaOUCDkW77s Got to love the big a-- lion laying in the sun For those of you that have never been to the zoo, if you do the canadian area, be prepared that you see all these animals, bears, moose cougars (the ones at the bars) in real life when your fishing! The hill you have to walk up is a killer and with a 2 year old in a stroller and a hundred pounds of gear its pretty tough! THat being said to see a grizzly 10 feet away that isnt trying to eat you is worth it! My son and I having a rest before we attempt to go up the huge hill that seems to never end lol I got to admit getting this close to a tiger is pretty cool stuff! Behind the Waterfall Looking at the Waterfall Well that is all! It was a great day! It was packs with a whole bunch of knee high animals, some were cute some should have been in cages themsleves and some were great and there parents should have been in cages lol The sun stayed away until we got in the car which was perfect! Cheers!
  2. i will be in this area The south shore of lake nipissing for 4 days then home for 2 then back up here for 12 I can't wait! Cheers!
  3. no kidding i came back from a meeting in markham and they were at every on ramp going west. wild stuff cheers!
  4. lb is lebarons in missasauga just off dundas is the closet to you. cheers!
  5. lolmyeah no kidding! i cant wait, imo nipissing is the best lake in ontario when shes calm
  6. Every year i venture out to Ahmic Lake for a couple days of fishing and relaxing. This year it was my first time fishing. work has been crazy busy and havent had the time even to cast a line for an hour. I was super excited. I got held up in the big smoke and didnt end up checking in untill sunday at about midnight. I was up early and fished all day monday, i was the only boat on the water all day! It didnt get any better then that! I didnt get into alot of fish. Check that i caught alot of these. About 50 of them, mainly hitting my jig and grub. I also caught my fair share of oos bass. It was frustrating. they were hitting big musky/pike spinner baits, jig and grub in 20 feet of water. Even a spoon! I guess they are done spawning on this lake? I tried to move on if i got into 2 bass in one area but they were all over the place. On monday the craziest thing happened to me. I went out to a spot that was about a 25 minute boat ride. the spot has a very small island. all around it is a sharp drop off to 30 feet of water and its prime walleye and pike territory. Well i was standing in the boat and all of a sudden i hear whhhhhhoooooooooooommmmmmmm!!!! what the ---- it almost jumped me right out of the boat. It was a seagull!!! it swooped down at me and did it about 4 or 5 times. I think it either had a nest on the island or it was mating season and they thought my rugged good looks and muskol scent was competition. I caught this little video of it, if you listen close you can hear the whhhhooooooooommmmmm. Visit My Website Needless to say there scare tactics worked and i left my hotspot. On tuesday I did get into a few walleye and pike, however i didnt get any pictures as the weather was bad and i didnt want to take my camera out of the water proof pouch. Overall it was a great couple days with nobody on the water but me and the crazy a-- seagulls! Can't wait to the long weekend where I will be fishing nipissing! Cheers!
  7. i hear fishing for beer cans and cigerette butts this weekend is totally non stop action! just kidding its a good time if you have never been but once was enough for me. They do raise alot of money for charities so its a good event in my eyes. just happy its not in my town lol cheers!
  8. dude if i lost my tackle box i would totally call the amber alert people and have everyone in the country hearing the description, colour, what was in it. maybe do some radio ads, definatly some tv. 680 news would have a update every 10 minutes on the 1's on the description. put up posters on telephone poles around marinas, boat launches, on the 401. take out ads on OFC, start a have you seen this tackle box campaign all over the internet, maybe print ads on the back of big rigs! have border patrol doing spot checks. holy cow i woud be freakin lost without my tackle box lol just kidding, hope you didnt have to much invested in your box? i know i have at least $700 in mine so i would be super p----- Cheers!
  9. find deeper water that has structure. often the big fish are in or very close to depe water. close to rock piles, sunken logs, humps etc.....using a tube is the easiest way to find active fish. If fish are finiky then try live bait like leeches. Cheers!
  10. i am a bass guy so i find it way easier in general to catch bass then it is to catch walleye. My favorite lakes are infested with bass! which is good for me but may not be so good for the fisheries that really on the walleye bite. In my opionion the bass fishing is better now then it ever has been but im only 31 so cant speak for the for the 60's 50 or earlier. I think the combination of c & r and zebra mussles and warmer seasons have improved bass fishing in this province in a big way! Cheers!
  11. great report! Looks like a great time, thanks for making the trek north! Cheers!
  12. sales and marketing company, been there for 10 years. good at selling and good at business. am in the process of doing my own sales thing on the side for some outdoors companies. lots of interviews but hard to negotiate far and resonable commisions. What i want to do is retire lol but at this rate i will not retire for about 30 more years. Good thing my wife is one heck of a sales person lol maybe i can retire off her soon lol Cheers!
  13. those are some awesome pics! Thanks for shairing! Cheers!
  14. awesome pics part 1 and part 2 cheers!
  15. its not money, die hard leaf fan here. everyone plays on the same level with the cap. its bad management period cheers!
  16. i understand everyones frustration with oos bass fishing. i must say though, monday and tuesday i was fishing pike and walleye and i caught way more bass then pike or walleye. smallies hitting a grub and jig in 20 feet of water where walleye are suppose to be. i had a largie hit a musky bait while i was chucking for large pike. when i got into a spot where i got one or 2 bass i moved on to another area but they were all over the place. im sure once opener starts at he end of june i wont catch any lol. but i dont try and fish bass untill season starts but this trip they bit everything i tied on. cheers!
  17. that is one big pike for mountsburg! if you want big pike try the t.o islands. cheers!
  18. my wifes family is in the milatary. i can tell you this... there is no higher honour then serving your country. we all thank you for this! Be safe Cheers!
  19. wow that was great!!!! great job, i cant imagine the time you put into that! cheers!
  20. love the south shore of lake nipissing! great report! cheers!
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