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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. happy bday! Hope you guys had great days! Cheers!
  2. some great bass you got there! Thanks for posting! Cheers!
  3. great report! Looks like a great time! Cheers!
  4. good report! good on you for trying something new today. Cheers!
  5. For sure! I have already emailed it to all our family and friends!
  6. wow that is one heck of smallie attack you had going on there! Cheers!
  7. My son is 2 years old and today he said to my wife and I that he wanted to go fishing! Music to my ears for sure!!!!!!! We took him to a little spot on 16 mile creek. My wife showed him how to reel in while i took the pics and video. After she showed him once he wanted to do it all on his own. It was pretty cute to watch! I tied on a small tube about an inch and a small jig and on the second cast he caught one! His first fish was this little guy. A nice little rock bass! He didn't want to touch it all he wanted me to do was put it back in so he could catch it again lol My son and wife looking at his second fish only a few casts later. This one was a little bigger and again he wanted us to put it in so he could catch it again. Here is a video of him reeling in, hard to explain the smile it put on my face watching this. Visit My Website http://s276.photobucket.com/albums/kk10/ro...gaugust2008.flv Cheers!
  8. there is big pike in the lake, and close to the river is a great spot to start hunting them. There are lots of smallmouth bass in that lake as well. its not uncommon to get into half dozen smallies in half dozen casts. To start i would fish the islands, the windswept side. If you fish the docks out by beumaris you can get lots of good fish as well. Not many on millionares row fish, so it its pretty productive. spinner baits were the best bait the last time i fished muskoka, which was a few years back. If you are around gravenhurst at lunch time head to boston pizza for lunch, its right in the water and you can dock your boat there. Don't even try on the weekend though, tat lake can be a zoo at times. CHeers!
  9. nipissing can be tough like that sometimes. Patience sure pays off on that lake. what worked one minute may not work the next, its a strange lake. I find that even the slighest change like a 1 degree change in tempature can turn the fish off or turn them into a feeding frenzy. What keeps me coming back to that lake is the chance at a feedy frenzy. When they are on it can be the best lake in southern ontario. Cheers!
  10. beautiful pics! I know what you mean, catching fish is just a bonus! Cheers!
  11. beauty report! love those largies! cheers!
  12. that was posted the other day, it is a huge beast cheers!
  13. great largie and what a good looking truck cheers!
  14. to bad about the wind but you guys got a few nice ones thee anyway! cheers!
  15. great smallies, some really nice slabs there! cheers!
  16. good pics, good on you for getting out there cheers!
  17. it was a fun read even if there were no pics cheers!
  18. nice to see the "pool" producing. thanks for the report cheers!
  19. good report, there sure are some nice walleye you are pulling out this year cheers!
  20. Someone sounds like they are having a bad day. man that was a little harsh. It is a fun post, if you didn't like his topic then maybe it would be best not to comment at all on it so you don't ruin it for the rest of the people here that are enjoying it. i personally loved the idea of him letting us pic where to fish. it was fun to see that most people would take the back lake place considering if you ever go to a back lake nobody is ever there lol Hope you have a great day on whatever lake you fish on! Cheers!
  21. being in sales and driving alot of southern ontario, i know most of the lakes south of 17, i must say that i have never heard of this lake before. But in my experience the lakes i dont know about are the ones that have the most amount of fish! Great report and pics! Cheers
  22. this is one of my favorite reports all summer so far! great pics, who doesnt love seeing kids faces when they catch fish! cheers!
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