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Everything posted by Sawyer

  1. Amen. -Sawyer
  2. Sawyer

    So Sad

    Definitely an on-the-point observation Vance. I used to be an active contributor to this board some years ago (when the site had limited functionality, old skool style) but found that it's membership had changed. Not for the better and not for the worse, the change was about how fellow anglers shared advice and knowledge in a way that I thought was at a surface level. Nonetheless, I wish you all happy fishing as 2014 approaches! -Sawyer
  3. Bowslayer, I purchased the Cabela's Guidewear jacket and bib non-insulated last fall as well during their big blow out sale. I'm 5'11/6'0 188lbs and the size large in both the jacket and bib fits well. I think they have changed the design a little bit so my review is based on the set I have. I use the jacket from fall all the way through to early spring. In the winter, I layer up according to conditions and have remained toasty. There are many features that I especially like but these are my top 3: 1) The cuffs have a sleeve that fits snug to your wrist. This reduces the wind chill that run up your arms. 2) The zipper pockets are water proof lined to ensure your belongings stay dry. The larger deep pockets have double Velcro. 3) The stitching all around the jacket is of amazing quality - it would take an unfortunate accident to tear this jacket apart. The bibs I only use in the fall for pier chucking for those windy and chilly nights. I did wear both the jacket and bib together once this fall during a heavy rain for 2 hours and I stayed bone dry! The other anglers went back to their cars to wait for the rain to pass! LOL. I'm willing to bet that if you bought the jacket and bib, you will not be disappointed. Best, Sawyer
  4. Mike, I own a SPOT device and what an amazing and reliable product it is. I subscribed to both the basic package (send OK messages, help messages, 911) and tracking package (it tracks my GPS point every 10 minutes (avg)). For loved ones at home, the tracking feature is amazing b/c they can see where you are on your journey. The tracking feature sets up a web link and when clicked, it takes you to the SPOT website where they launch a portal that's integrated with google maps that will display your GPS points. You may see reviews online about OK messages NOT being sent, tracking is UNRELIABLE, etc... I have yet to experience any issues with my SPOT device as described online. I find that if you understand how GPS technology works, the need for a clear path to the sky to ensure a successful transmission (e.g., it's worked while I hiked through forests though), and follow the SPOT instructions - you will have a positive experience! Some quick tips (which can also be found online) 1) Always send an OK message before turning on your tracking feature. This allows the satellite to get a fix on your location and the general area you will be traversing through. 2)If your wife has an iPHONE - there is an app (costs $2-3, but worth the money), that links the SPOT tracking webpage to google maps directly to her phone (the SPOT portal on a smartphone browser doesn't look clean). So while she's out and about and thinking about you - she can check in an instant, with one tap, where you're at Good luck with the product and let me know if there is anything else I can answer. -Sawyer
  5. Like Whoa! -Sawyer
  6. Thank you for sharing your thoughts guys. I'm more in line with the hook set techniques that MJL and manitoubass2 shared - sweeping hook set. Perhaps my technique is attributed to lure selection, fishing location, and equipment. As most of you know, bass opener is this weekend and can't wait! I will be thinking about this post as I hook (hopefully) and land (hopefully!!) some fish. Best, Sawyer
  7. I just finished watching a couple of bass fishing shows on WFN. The shows are firing me up for the much anticipated bass opener! The one thing that I found in common with the shows (except all the bass their catching) was that the hosts and their guests excessively exaggerate the hook set motion. I certainly don't set the hook that way but do understand the importance of a good hook set. I suspect that it's all about TV and those hook sets give an impression of a substantial fish at the end of the line. What are your thoughts? How would you rate your hook set from 1 to 10? 1 being light while 10 being aggressive (like the TV shows). -Sawyer
  8. Wow! I have to say this board has its share of members filled with a negative disposition. Relax. What I find interesting is the ratio between posts with subjects specifically targeting "good deeds" and "bad deeds". It's clear the latter receives significantly more attention. My personal experience on and off the water shows that there are way more anglers out there who conduct themselves in a conservationist and preservative way - and I believe you know this too. I believe our Ontario fishery on the whole is and will always continue to be world class. And it will remain that way because of all the good people on and off this board - the silent majority that never get's the same attention. -Sawyer
  9. Live2fish85, Hands down, dollar for dollar (based on the other rotary vises outthere) I would recommend the Peak rotary vise with the pedestal base. I think the jaws is the most, if not one of the most important features of the vise - it handles all of my hooks from size 4-22. Also, the rotary function is simply amazing - you can adjust the rotation of the fly rather than the rotation of hands (works well when tying body material). I know you have a budget of $100 - but to spend the extra few bucks on a 'forever' vise I think is money well spent. -Sawyer
  10. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I will likely try to negotiate a better deal with my current carrier and use Wind Mobile as my carrot. -Sawyer
  11. Hey Gang, My wireless phone contract is up in 3 months and now I'm looking at other carriers to see what they have to offer. Wind Mobile offers some great deals. If you are a Wind Mobile customer, what has your experience been in terms of network reliability? Thanks. -Sawyer
  12. Go Giants Go! I loved the game - the offense plays were very methodical and defense was solid on both ends.
  13. When I lived in Scarborough, both lucky's and AV were open 24 hrs a day. I cant imagine they have changed their store hours. I walked into AV once at 2 am to pick some last minute tackle and there was a line up at the register lol. Enjoy. -Sawyer
  14. You know what they say, home is where the heart is! We live in the best, land for land and coast to coast, in the world. -Sawyer
  15. Hi Mike, It's always a little tricky when friends but especially good friends are involved when it comes to money. I think most of us on the board have a friend or know of someone who does that matches your buddy. Whether your actions was called for or not depends on the lens in which you see the situation so I will not comment on that. What I will say to you is good friends are hard to come by. You will have to decide if this situation is worth tainting the friendship. It seems like you fish with this buddy often so the company he keeps isnt so bad I suspect. However, given that he hasnt returned your phone calls in over a month and then only calls you when he wants his equipment back - one has to question how he sees your friendship. Personally, I think you should give him his equipment back and be firm again with how you cant continue to support him financially on fishing trips. Selling his equipment and the cash you receive from it will never make you forget what happened. If your friend responds immaturely and without a sense of understanding of your point - then I dont think he's worth your time of day. -Sawyer
  16. Very pretty -Sawyer
  17. Awesome! It certainly is rewarding when you get out when most people are sitting indoors . -Sawyer
  18. 4x4bassin, I use thermacell religiously in the summer time when bushing whacking through the bush in the headwaters of tributaries. It works well and I absolutely love it. A few points: I feel that when there are slight gusts to no wind at all, that's when the bugs come out and get you - thermacell works best in this condition. But when there is consistent wind blowing, the majority of the bugs go away therefore not needing thermacell. My rule of thumb is, if you are getting substantially bitten - then it's time to turn the thermacell on. With respect to turning the thermacell on - let the butane run for about 5-10 seconds before clicking the igniter button. What this does is it creates a small cloud of gas in the unit and typically one click does the trick! I use 1 pad per outting - if I don't see smoke coming out of the unit, it's time to change it for maximum protection. I hope this helps. -Sawyer
  19. Rocheleauc, Nice fish man. It always pays when you do a little bit of leg work! -Sawyer
  20. Drifter_016, That's it? LOL. Great fish dude. -Sawyer
  21. ChrisK, As you know, it's tough to see old friends go. When one relationship ends, a new one begins. Take all the time you need before you start a new one - that's the best advice I can give you. Sorry for your loss and deep down, as most members have wrote, it was the right decision for your best friend. Till you meet him again on the other side... -Sawyer
  22. Fish_finder, I wish you posted this thread 2 years ago when I started fly fishing. It's always refreshing to see experienced anglers sharing their insights on the sport. -Sawyer
  23. Simply inspiring! Great pics. -Sawyer
  24. Hi Zeeter, This time of year, water levels at Mountsberg tend to be on the low side. As the summer progresses, the water levels continue to drop - especially if we had a substantially dry one. I fished the reservoir once in the month of November and I had to walk 30 ft from the usual shoreline to launch my canoe. -Sawyer
  25. To echo other members responses, the last shot is amazing. I have yet to hook my first coho! -Sawyer
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