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Everything posted by douG

  1. That reminds me of a parenting instruction I read a few years ago. Never raise your hand to your kids - it leaves your groin unprotected.
  2. Welcome, shoreman. Is you an avid fisherman or a rabid one? Not too sure, but it doesn't matter. Most of us have had our shots. You are right, some pictures need to be reduced in size before posting. Check the FAQs.
  3. Keep those iceout reports coming, John. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for your report and pictures, Joanne. Nice to see youse two back out on the soft water.
  5. You can do better than the Fenwick for the same or less $, imo. Quantum makes really good rods.
  6. No worries, grt1, 'tis all in fun. Not all of my friends are nutbars, btw. I think I'm finding a pattern tho. Short + French + furry =
  7. That is very cool, Deano.
  8. There you have it, folks. It's euonimous. It's enamourous. It's annonymous. Dang it, we all agree. Self-pats on the back all around. Nice job, guys, and congrats to each of us. Now, Brky and DanC, go for it.
  9. Roy, if you don't know, just say so.
  10. PM me, Matt. Whassup? Always reasonable rates for OFNrs.
  11. Get a Garmin with the Mapsource topo map of Canada. You can check out the map here. Look for the link on the upper right that says 'MapSource Viewer'. I checked and there is indeed good resolution there, even showing a streetmap of Yellowknife. Any mapping GPS will do, but why not get the GPSMap 76CSX? Expandable memory, colour screen, floats, and waterproof. GPSCity.ca
  12. Hmmmmm. Jerky! Ah loves dat stuff.
  13. That is Ed Zachary the mower that I have. It sure works, let me tell you. And the RLG takes considerable pride in the great job she does on the back lawn.
  14. I'll be arriving at the park office on Opeongo on Tuesday, May 6 for four nights in. I hope our spot on the north arm is all set up by the advance troops by then. Some of our crew will be trekking to Hogan, Nemo. Please forward your info to me too, with thanks.
  15. Happy Birthday, Pete. Best Fishes too.
  16. A modern windsurf sail with camber inducers can point higher than the gaff rigged setup in Nemo's post. But, as the laker guy sez, you still need a daggerboard. Someone took some photos on Opeongo's east arm last September, I think that rig had an outrigger.
  17. Hmmmmm, pigtails! You always were a cutie, weren't you? Happy Birthday to the Webmistress!
  18. douG


    Congrats, Ron. You did yourself and MC proud.
  19. The don't like to ship the auto inflate models into Canada because they have a compressed CO2 cylinder inside.
  20. If you don't know the Heimlich manoever, you owe it to yourself and those around you to learn how. I believe I saved the life of the RLG once that way.
  21. I liked that one too. Thx.
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