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Everything posted by douG

  1. Gore said he would donate his share of the $1.5 million that accompanies the prize to the non-profit Alliance for Climate Protection. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21262661/. Tsk tsk.
  2. Nope. As long as her head is up, she is spinning ccw. I can't see the other.
  3. Gotta be CCW. Thanks so much for asking.
  4. What MistyJr said. The voice of reason, not bad for a young 'un.
  5. Attaboy, Glen. I didn't care what anyone else said, I KNEW you could catch some fish on this trip. Congrats on fishing with Deg and Ruth, and BCanuck too. All fine folks who, it would appear, will fish with anyone!
  6. Very nice, Glen. Looking forward to your report! We be fixin to get some BoQ walleyes as big as them.
  7. Great news, Fishdawg. Congratulations to you and your wife.
  8. I just LOVE girls like that. I've never met one, on the other hand.
  9. What DanC said. Buy some backup batteries, 4 AAs will last me a week, and you are good to GO!! Congratulations on your purchase.
  10. No cell phone, no laptop, no blackberry. Still get the great perf evaluations, even without. If you need to discuss, leave me a voicemail or page me, and I'll be right there so we can work this out.
  11. It sounds like you have things pretty much figgered out all by yourself. That's the best way.
  12. Roy, I think you meant 'Good Night Chillums'. Sweet dreams.
  13. Just a normal, healthy guy lookin' for a little 'strange'.
  14. Hmmmmmmm. Women in Waders! Nice shootin'.
  15. Why the heck would you want something like that, O Little Furry One? I might think that administering this board is the only reason you might do such a foolish thing. I don't have one, and do not wish to be that available to anyone.
  16. douG


    Hi, Scootch and welcome (pay no attention to the short furry one behind the curtain). A Lil cleo (in glow finish, activated with a flashlight, camera flash or headlamp) is a casting spoon. Chuck it out as far as you can, and give 'er a steady retrieve on the way in. The glow is useful because the best time o day to go after these feesh is dusk and later.
  17. Wise words, HeadHunter. Thanks for your informed perspective. Much to think about, there.
  18. Yo' s a strange chile, Gerritt.
  19. 1958 ( Youngster! ), check out the Quinte board for the latest info. I do.
  20. 'Thank yous' are nice. Keep posting, SF.
  21. I'd prefer a Jumlaa in Egyptian Princess over that piece o crap. That EP pattern rocks on BoQ. And the interchangeable titanium lips are amazing.
  22. No worries, Dude and Kyle. Dawg and I, and all other right thinking OFNrs, won't have you worrying about a place to lay your head. I'm bringing an airbed too.
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