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Everything posted by douG

  1. Of course it's addictive. I know that some workplaces block sites like this, but thank goodness the MotherCorp is not yet one of them. I do appreciate that they don't allow the Java applet that would let me chat at work. That would be a disaster.
  2. No, Mike. I didn't and wouldn't say that. Andy Rooney reacted to comments attributed to him .
  3. ...Moreover, Rooney himself denied it in 2003, saying: "About a year ago, I became aware of a more serious theft of my name and it is so hurtful to my reputation that it calls for legal action against the thief. Hundreds of people have written asking if I really wrote the 20 detestable remarks made under my name that have had such wide circulation on the Internet. [...] Some of the remarks, which I will not repeat here, are viciously racist and the spirit of the whole thing is nasty, mean and totally inconsistent with my philosophy of life. It is apparent that the list of comments has been read by hundreds of thousands of Americans, many of whom must believe that it accurately represents opinions of mine that I don't dare express in my column or on television. It is seriously damaging to my reputation." It is attitudes such as those incorrectly attributed to Andy Rooney that are in part responsible for the growing mess of hatred, lack of tolerance and growth of misunderstanding that is at the root of our collective downfall. Just look around you or read a newspaper that doesn't feed your growing fear and encourage your isolation. Do you follow any sort of faith or religion? I 'spect you do. Talking about stones, do you have them big enough to ask the hard questions? Is that attitude consistent with the teachings of Jesus, or Mohammad, or Buddha, or the Dali Lama?
  4. The way I read this is, that you can slow down in your lane, unable to merge safely with the centre lane, creep along past the flashers, and get nailed for 5 large. The worst problem these days is folks doing 120 with two car lengths in front of them between the next vehicle. After the accident, I really hope that they get charged for careless, all 11 of them.
  5. To use a short ruler for a long fish, just cut it off at the 48 in mark, then measure the next 4ft piece, and repeat as needed. Hope this hleps.
  6. I got a Mitchell spinning reel about 6 years ago, because I remember using an old Mitchell when I was a kid. The new Mitchell turned out to be junk. Since then, I've used Daiwa spinning reels exclusively, never had a failure or any problem whatsoever.
  7. I agree with the negatives. How could turning lights off at any time of the day help anything at all? I turn em on when I get up, and maybe turn em off when I go to bed, but not too likely. More Bull, some sorta commie pinko plot. I hate this crap, leave me alone. I don't buy into anything. Well, maybe the local energy provider, I buy into that, but none of this Bull about reducing the amount of energy I consume. Ok, Ok, Ok, I'm a little bit afraid of the dark, but you still can't make me buy into any of this Bull.
  8. Farther than you mike like, but Silent Lake and Bon Echo are both fine provincial parks, with plenty of amenities like showers.
  9. Plenty o ice, Emilio, in most places, but expect limited to no visibility. Take a GPS, compass, AND a cell phone.
  10. What Snag said. What are you doing wasting that $ on tackle? Great story, Joanne, congrats to you and Paul.
  11. I liked the slinky comment. So did the HR director at work.
  12. Me too, I'm afraid. Looks like I will be playing in a crappie tourney in Dunchurch, e of Parry Sound for noon on Saturday. I might have to leave on Friday evening, to beat all that snow. Anybody think I can fly that one past SWMBO?
  13. Wow, Pete Maina, right here. Almost like a Chuck Norris post. If you want to have hair like Chuck Norris, check here. And... No toupee for Chuck Norris. His hair is too scared to fall out. Hope this hleps.
  14. Gotta love Lee Valley, always catering to the domestic market. They also have a great sense of humour too.
  15. Wayne, should he have applied a little more right aileron when doing the left rudder?
  16. The Jumlaa? Avery is going to be very busy.
  17. A buddy, Peter Nunn, played with Jeff for a year or two, and I enjoyed the shows hugely. God Bless, Jeff.
  18. Karma. It always feels better when you do the right thing. And it gets even better with practice. Just listen to that little voice in your head that says, "Gee, Davey. I don't think that's a good idea". The sermon for today.
  19. That lovely lady cavorting with the pig is Moonbeam McSwine. You must have been thinking of Daisy Mae. . When you were thinking of Elly May, that is. Hope this hleps.
  20. I used to share these opinions of the Mississauga store, but no longer. Now when I wander in there, there are a few staff that will actually make it a point to come by and say, 'Nice to see you again. How did that -insert article name- you bought last time work out?' I like that. And the website is crap.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46EXY4oP1Do...feature=related
  22. Topo maps Canada are not locked and may be shared. It has happened, I'm just saying. Best to Meely Weely.
  23. Hope you make out well, LeXX. Please post your report.
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