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Everything posted by Rich

  1. *Drools*
  2. Best 87 cents you'll ever spend (if you're a perch fisherman)
  3. Nice one man! Educate me on the ways of the chrome, cuz I sure as heck dont seem to be learnin' anything!
  4. Really? You sound like the kind of fishing partner I need!
  5. Yep.
  6. The show is awesome, K-Dawg pulls more huge bass out of docks and trees than I've ever seen in my life! Looking forward to the interview! Pretty funny though Reelnorth, lol
  7. Bust out the snowmobile!
  8. holy crap we got nothin here
  9. As long as the barb is pinched all the way down it shouldn't be a problem.
  10. Dang I am clumsy! And hard on my equipment
  11. lol... dont ask.. it's over 10
  12. Yeah... boy do I ever feel stupid Hey I never saw that video before, very well edited.. had me laughing! Good memories!
  13. You're a Canadian BOY too nauti.
  14. I made a report Nauti... i think your eyes are useless. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1109
  15. They will be very difficult to locate and even more difficult to make bite in the winter time. That being said, I did successfully catch two last year through the ice in about a 5 hour period on a pond. My best advice is drill three holes in a triangle and chisel out the middle, use lots of chum and stay back from the hole as they are very spooky.
  16. Arctic Armor is tops, gortex hunting gloves are almost just as good too.
  17. That show ruled! Almost as good as All in the Family... almost.
  18. Born in downtown Hamilton, moved to the mountain, then 8 yrs ago moved to Port Dover. Had about 8 months living in Peterborough, now I'm back here. I will be back to Peterborough ASAP. I love it up there.. nothing wrong with Dover either though.
  19. lol, report posted Oh yeah, I did repair the rod. It's still 6 inches shorter though! haha
  20. Nautifish and I were chatting online about some local fishing spots and after a little while it turned out that talking about it was too much to bear so we headed out with "the anonymous man" and "Princess" the evil hearted german shepherd to a local creek. On the way there Princess decided to act out of the ordinary and lie down in the back of the fan.. right near the tip of my beautiful 13 foot noodle rod. As she laid down, I heard the most delightful cracking sound. At that point, I wasnt sure if it was my rod breaking or my heart exploding. Sure enough, those last annoying 6 inches were shaved off the now 12'6 noodle rod. So I was a little bummed after that but figured I'll just fish with a broken rod.. lol We got there to find it was pouring down rain (which wasnt in the forecast when we left) but thats alright a little water never hurt anyone. Hmmm I kinda remembered there being lights at this spot.. but alas I must have been wrong because it was dark! Nauti had a flashlight, which really came in handy for her. I had my trusty headlamp, which decided it wouldn't be so trusty and conk out. Ahh just another great piece of equipment now rendered useless. So I attempted float fishing in the dark, which would have been fine.. but I couldnt see the trees above or beside me. So after a few casts I make one more.. I'm trying to feel around for bites or bottom or whatever and it feels like I've made contact so I leave it out. Wait, there's tightness in the line, so I set the hook! Wow this feels heavy! I pull and it pulls back! Fighting kinda weird. I yell up to Nauti and anonymous man and they shine the flashlight down just as I discover I've hooked a tree branch about 2 feet above my head. It sure did fight though! Snap there goes the hook. Right then & there is where I said forget it I'll just be the net man for Nauti. LOL A few minutes later Nautifish pulls up the biggest tangle in floatfishing history. I dont know how she did it, I dont think she knows either! Anonymous man gallantly held the flashlight while she attempted to untangle the heap of line and busted bobber, but her attempts were in vain. We got our stuff back in the van and headed home, defeated. I think this is the first time I've said it this year: "We shouldn't have gone fishing tonight."
  21. My beautiful 13 foot noodle rod has now become a not so beautiful 12'6
  22. You first! Okay me first
  23. Well I bought somebody's old Abu C4 but I didn't spring the extra money for a reel that catches fish. On the bright side I bought my first centerpin and float rod (Okuma Aventa, Quantum Cold Water 13') and I am very impressed with both. Actually impressed is the wrong word.. ADDICTED is a better one.
  24. Wow that house was in my friend's family for over 50 years, that really is a shame.
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