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Everything posted by fishindude

  1. Lovin' the new look! Great job guys!
  2. nice setups ya got there mike, im in the process of completing my pitching/frog setup went with a citica for the reel, just debating between a bps carbonlite in 7'6 MH or abu vendetta 7'3 MH ill be targetting pike at frenchman's within the next few weeks as well
  3. Never had a palomar knot break off on me, just sucks having to re-tie so I use a snap lock for quicker lure changes as well.
  4. Congrats and very nice catch mate, that's definitely one hell of a pike. Spring pike season should be a blast on that lake. Is this the same lake your smallmouth reports come from? Seems like a real healthy lake. What a treasure. Cheers!
  5. I own a sedona 2500, great reel, no problems. Like some have already mentioned, the drag is very smooth for the price, and 4 bearings. Having no spare spool wasn't a problem for me, I believe the Sahara is the first model up that comes with a spare spool. I picked mine up at the reel trade-in as well. My first shimano spinning reel, definitely satisfied with it.
  6. Mother nature at it's finest right there! Need that report post haste!
  7. Pics or it didn't happen!
  8. This doesn't apply to winter, but just to show that they can coexist among one another: This the Niagara River btw, just plain cool, wicked tune as well!
  9. Hey, just wanted to inform that the last Saturday in March is the 27th! Also, what kind of tackle/baits is required to hook one of these big boys? I don't own any specific carp tackle but can probably make my own boilies (do people still use these?) and a 7'M spinning rod, is this somewhat appropriate? I figure if I hook into a real behemoth, I may have some trouble/fun landing it!
  10. Bring on the Swedes! Assuming they beat the Slovaks...
  11. x2!!!
  12. Was just looking into the Pete Maina Signature Series today from BPS, any thoughts on them? They seem to be in your price range too.
  13. The sale is actually $20 off, but I'm sure it's roughly the same give or take some change I've had my eyes on these Carbonlite's for a few weeks now, still debating between the 7'6MH or H...
  14. *crosses fingers*
  15. Love seeing your reports steverowbotham, those are some beauty lakers. Those jigs also look really nice! Cheers
  16. tik tok
  17. Too bad there isn't a way to train cormorants to feed exclusively on these asian carp, that would be a blessing! Perhaps these carp could also be harvested solely for fertilizer? I remember reading somewhere dead carp produce very fertile soil, not sure how much truth there is to this though. Something like this but for Asian carp
  18. Awesome job bushart, those look great! Would you care to share the type of paint, and primer you used? I'd love to give painting another try, my last attempt at painting homemade spooks came out like crap Leechman, those divers look awesome, any idea on their approx. weight?
  19. Could you provide the contact information of this park? I'm interested as well. Thanks and Cheers!
  20. The Americans definitely dominated the first 10 mins of the period but wow, what a come back for the Canuckians! EH-O LET'S GO!!!
  21. Any idea if the Gander Mountain in Tonawonda would have similar deals?
  22. First off, I did not mean to crap on the OP's thread with what I said, nor did I intend to scrutinize the new open ice season. Personally, I do not have any experience ice fishing, and don't plan to try it, it's just not my thing so I suppose I should not really be speaking on this topic. I was merely voicing my opinion on what could happen to the walleye fishery Rice has to offer. Regarding the native fisher people you mentioned, I personally do not believe they have much of an impact at all, it's not like the numbers of walleye they consume are anywhere near the numbers of fish "consumed" on Nippissing, but I am only speaking out of observation. The comments I made were simply based on the fact that Rice is one of the best and closest walleye fisheries closer to the GTA, and with the new season, I felt that it will face much more pressure than it's used to. This is the first time Rice has allowed ice fishing no? I do however agree with the point you made regarding the expansion of rec. fishing opportunities to not be limited to just the spring/summer/fall, if it gets more people introduced to this great sport, then I'm all for it. Nevertheless, I apologize for the 'asinine' comments I made. I did not intend to offend anybody in any way whatsoever with my thoughts. Hope anybody who was offended by my comments accept this apology. Happy fishing to all, Cheers
  23. I have a feeling the walleye fishery of Rice Lake is gonna take a hard hit this winter. There are simply not enough CO's to cover it consistently. Maybe after this season, they'll change the regulations next winter.
  24. Has anyone tried the Transition version of the Berkley Vanish? Is it any better than the clear one? Like everyone else has already posted, the clear Vanish is simply terrible.
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