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Everything posted by mrpike

  1. I am sorry for your great loss. He will live on in all your menories for all the years to come.
  2. HI ! IT could also be the coil if the coil is old or as a bad ground . IT may not fire under a load. But fire fine with the plugs out . JUst my two cent. hope it works out for you.
  3. Very nice looking rig . should give you years of great fishing. Just one thing I would keep your rod tips up a little our your going to loose a rod. Soon as a fish hits or on a snag your rod could go bye bye. just a thought. GOOD LUCK SIR.
  4. mrpike


    Welcome aboard. your in good company on this board.
  5. HI MIKE IAM on holidays starting next friday. I was thinking of trying for some lakers on simcoe sometime next week. I can only do short trip now days !. I will let you know how I make out if I get out on simcoe. I got my boat ready to go last week end . SO iam ready to go SUNDAY maybe the best day for me to go.BUT i need to see the weather before i make my move. I will post on how I make out . mr pike.
  6. Make sure you have the good clips . run lures 10 15 or 20 feet away from the ball. speed is the big thing for walleyes no more then 1 1/2 miles per hour . For lakers you can go up to 3 miles per hour . you should be able to see your ball on your fish finder . I can on mine and it makes it easyer to know wear the bottom and the ball is at all times . You will see the fish on your finder and know wear to set your ball's depth. SPEED IS THE REAL KEY . O and run a 10 pound ball you want the ball to go straight down not running out the back behind the motor. Your fish finder will pick up the ball better also. GOOD LUCK . SPEED IS THE KEY !!.
  7. WOW I like that roof on your boat. I would like to get that for my LUND. THE hunt begins Very nice looking boat congrats !!
  8. Iam thinking on getting a new prop for my boat this year in stainless steel . MY boat is a LUND 17 FT EXPLORER SIDE CONSOLE with a mercury 115 4 stroke EFI . IT runs about 43 miles per hour now at about 5200 RPM.s at top speed AND I think it has a pitch of 19 or 18 on it right now . IF anyone out there has the same motor and boat with a stainless steel prop can you tell me about your over all performance and top speed three blade or four and what make you are running if it is stainless steel also. PLEASE POST what you are running for a prop and on what motor and boat . THIS will help out a lot of people on what they might want to run on there boat . ITs not easy to get the right prop . Boat makes a big difference Iam finding out. SO let us know if you are happy with your over all PERFORMANCE on your boat . Boat type and motor top speed and RPMs would also help us all make the right choice. THANKS .
  9. May have a bad wire I just had the samething on my yukon. put on new wires and we are good to go. I had one bad wire number 8 CHECK IT OUT.
  10. I now under stand why we are in this mess. Because so meany people out there thing that GOVERMENT and OIL companys and others have the right to GOUCH the average man. AND it is spreading look at the price of food cloths housing cars trucks insurance gas hydro water . ITS JUST ALL OUT OF CONTROL . THE cost of living is hurting more and more people every day businesses are closing every day . IN fiftyseven years of my life I have never seen pricies rise so much and so fast the average man just can't keep up. Even if you get a raise of 2% per year it is far short of the cost of living now days . I guess we all just have to grin and bear it until it is to late and most are living in poverty. Just look at them over sea's now. WE are really going to leave our kids a great life in this country. MY kids can't afford a car now or afford to move out of the house at age twenty five and both are working full time . it sure is a different life now then in my days and its getting worst evry day . SORRY FOR THE RANT.
  11. Life as it should be.
  12. WHEN they come to your door . Tell them you are voting for or support the ( BLOC QC. ) . AND if you want my vote you better do something about the high gas prices . Watch there eyes light up. AND then close your door.. VOTE the under dog and force the top dog's. OR pay the price at the pumps.
  13. IAM not voting at all until. I hear them talking about the gas prices. ITS TIME TO DO SOMETHING. WANT to really mess them all up .. VOTE for the BLOC. HELL YA!!!.
  14. are you sure there is grease comming out of the grease gun ??? my buddy had the grease gun loaded wrong . and that was the problem for him . just a thought. OKAY IT WAS ME.
  15. CITY WIDE WELDING in MISSISSAUGA on DREW RD. THEY will let you test out a prop for a week . great place to get a prop fixed also. THEY did good by me.
  16. IF you have a livewell on board. Maybe you should check the livewell make sure there is no damage to the livewell tank and also check all water lines from the rear to the livewell . sometimes you get a leak on a line at a clap or joint also check the intake holes and seals on the back of the boat . I hope it all works out for the good for you.
  18. Check this place out. I stayed there for four summers and I would go back at anytime . Real nice people and very clean and the best docking on the bay.sounds like you would want the main cabin but its really a full cottage large and has all you are looking for. ( www.blakewoodlodge.com ) ITS on the south side of ( HAY BAY. ) AND the price is right . And the fishing is great in the bay and the main chanel. PS. THE boat ramp is not the best but it is doable.
  19. I have just the thing for you . a 13 3/8 x 17 SST prop . it came off my 90 hp johnson . mint shape you can have it for $125. 00 . I payed over $ 500.00 back 1985 for it. or you can just try it out and see if it does the job for you. keith.
  20. GO for real fish . Hit the Humber river get a rainbow trout for dinner .Best spot is at the (OLD MILL) BLOOR north to DUNDAS STREET. GOOD LUCK.
  21. got my lund at discount r v in maple ontario on keele st. they are a lund dealer. I all so have my lund up for sale EXPLORER 17 ft side console with a 115 mercury 4 stroke and all the toys are going with it . its in mint shape for under twenty grand this is a real nice package a must see. if it is the type of model you are looking for.it was over $34000.00 new in 2006. black and grey in colour with a easyloader trailer. And its here in Etobicoke give me a shout if you what more info. KEITH 416 -6201729 DISCOUNT RV IN MAPLE ONTARIO 905 303 1777
  22. Have a real good look at the front end. they are bad . real hard on ball joints . they only last about three years tops.
  23. Just no way I would fly in the plane after that . Think I would like a little resson over that tape.
  24. DISCOUNT RV and MARINE NORTH OF MAPLE ONT ON KEELE ST . Just north of TESTON RD . ask FOR john or sal. ( 905 303 1777 )
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