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Everything posted by Weeds

  1. Thanks Bill, this is good! Too good to be watching on the cell phone; gonna have to reclaim the tv from my son and watch it on the big screen. A perfect winter evening.
  2. Worth noting there’s a ton of used winter tires out there too, on rims and with plenty of life left in them. Picked up a set for my truck last year for 200 bucks and a set for the wife’s for 300. If they save you from even the most insignificant of fender benders they’ve paid for themselves 10 times over.
  3. Wow, nicely done. I’ve tried my hand at grouse hunting in some of the Wildlife areas around Peterborough and could swear they are the most elusive prey man has ever stalked. Spook at the slightest sound or sight of you around here. Makes me want to try again though. What gauge and choke you using?
  4. Can’t help you with any advice but it could be worse, just discovered this evening that my 4 year old furnace isn’t working! Six bucks for that fuse looks promising
  5. Nice Fish! Never seen a pike in the Otonabee in the 17 years I’ve lived here. They are in some lakes but by no means over running the Kawarthas. Drives me nuts when I see guys “pike fishing” pre musky or bass season in waters you know aren’t holding pike.
  6. Smitty, huge tomato! Are you fertilizing like mad and growing one or two per plant (I’m thinking kinda like giant pumpkin growing) or just plenty of water and sunshine?
  7. Saw a huge one of those over in Ennismore about 10 years back at the soccer fields. A first for me. Don’t recall ever seeing one in Toronto in my many years there.
  8. People buy and sell boats all the time without proper paperwork. If it’s a newer/nice/larger boat that someone is going to want to register and trailer frequently then it’s kind of a big deal and would definitely impact on your selling price. If it’s an older beater with a 9.9 or less , or a boat that spends the rest of its life on a small lake somewhere, it might not even matter to the new owner.
  9. Great report! Thanks for taking the time to write it! I was curious how things turned out.
  10. I think I looked into something like this before for some reason, I don’t think you’re allowed to go and cut trees on crown land.
  11. Damn. I was thinking about going to bed. Now you got me thinking about eating something. Sounds good
  12. Might be musky. Money spent on musky tackle needs no justification.
  13. I don’t think there’s pike in Sandy, or at least there didn’t used to be.
  14. On the off chance he’s a non resident he’d have to be accompanied by someone with a fishing license. Getting into the nitty gritty there.
  15. I’m a small water fisherman at heart; love the idea of catching a monster lurking in the local pond. Nice pics!
  16. I’ve fished the east side of your pond on a few occasions years ago. I distinctly remember looking across the water towards the other side and thinking how lucky the people who lived in those houses were. I’d fish all summer long I thought. You’ve got a great spot! That volunteer has got to be wrong, that’s got to be more of a shore access type of thing. Can’t extend to your property. She’s doing the equivalent of interpreting a “No fishing from bridge” to mean no fishing the water under it. Which is not how it works. Know what I’m trying to say?
  17. Fallfish, interesting. I stand corrected. There’s tons of them in some of the creeks around here. Never thought about eating them. Maybe one of these days I’ll give it a go.
  18. I’m probably the worlds worst when it comes to species identification but I think that might be a creek chub. But I could well be wrong. A fine catch regardless
  19. Hey, no liberal bashing. Let’s keep it non political. Besides, that’s what your pick-up and your stickers are for…
  20. That first link is a hell of a read. Couldn’t possibly bring myself to read more than a little bit of it. I didn’t see anything too applicable on the second link.
  21. I’ve always assumed fish felt pain. Why wouldn’t they? I’m not saying it would stop me from fishing. I kinda figured anybody saying otherwise was kidding themselves. I imagine being able to experience pain contributes pretty significantly to a species odds of survival.
  22. Congratulations. Nice boat! I’d just enjoy it as it is for a bit before you dig into it, particularly if it seems to be working well. Love my 14 foot aluminum but perhaps a tad envious…
  23. Just bought my first gas powered auger and went all out and bought a used mustang survival suit. Looking at the long range forecast makes me wonder how much use I’m going to get out of either. Got my first snowblower this year too, used all of 3 times so far……
  24. Wow. That’s the stuff dreams are made of. I can’t imagine a better southern getaway. Love the lack of crowds. Thanks.
  25. Lotto Max time.
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