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Everything posted by dave524

  1. Is this a navigable waterway ?
  2. This is not the first time that concept has been tried. Wish I could remember the manufacturer but I recall pictures of a reel from ads in the 50 or 60's that instead of an eyelet had a piece of square stock with a twist in it that when it revolved would lay the line on the spool evenly. My dad was a tournament caster in the late 40's and early 50's winning T.A.H.A. championships at the C.N.E. , learned to fish with better quality knucklebusters of that era , Langely's , Inglis/Shakespeares , was pretty into it as a teen. EDIT: found a pic of what I remember, was more of a trolling type reel from Penn, but the concept is so close I would wonder about patent infringement if it applies after 35+ years http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Penn-LEVELINE-...=item1e5726aa86
  3. I understand that the Dunnville Airport was a WWII training facility and that the marsh was used for bombing practice with the possibility of a few pieces of unexploded ordanace existing buried there.
  4. Why not a spincast ?? the best of both worlds Actually I use a Shakespeare 1810 on my float rod, especially at night or when I want to be nostalgic. they do have a pretty smooth drag
  5. faced with these conditions I would grab a flyrod and a box of woolybuggers, that kind of water is custom made for fly fishing.
  6. I'd be more inclined to think it was a weak governor spring rather than a carb problem
  7. Blakemore Roadrunners deserve to be more popular as a smallie lure
  8. toilet paper, just in case
  9. Agreed, you'll go a long ways driving west before you find pike water, none that I know of between Wilberforce and Minden. Highlands of Hasting and Madawaska Valley has got them
  10. My family had a cottage between Haliburton and Wilberforce, sorry to say that pike are the one fish that seems to be absent in the Highlands of Haliburton. Lake trout and smallmouth bass are most frequently encountered with some lakes having been stocked and producing muskies and pickerel ( walleyes). Speckled trout are found in some streams.
  11. Derby winner I believe, rules.
  12. reminisient of the old Helin " Fishcake " but they didn't have legs, are they maybe added on later?
  13. looks like the honeymoon is over and Obama is game for political comedians
  14. Walmart on Fourth Ave. in St. Catherines, the brand name was GOYA Golden Hominy. I see you carp guys soak maize, this is like presoaked maize , actually the kernels are bigger than normal, swollen and the hull is shed.
  15. My wife is from the southern states, we were at Walmart looking in the grocery section and she picks up a couple of cans of this Hominy, kinda like half popped corn in salt water or kinda reminds me of drano cured single salmon eggs too. ( Actually I googled it and the process for making it is similar, yuck ) As far as food it really wasn't my cup of tea but kept thinking this would be dynamite carp bait, has anyone ever tried using it?
  16. Haven't seen it in years but there used to be a product called " Naval Jelly " that was the cat's meow when it came to removing rust.
  17. gone over pretty much to wide gap up eye style hooks and use a snell knot http://www.steelheader.net/knots/whip_finish.htm improved clinch elsewhere, but I use low tech mono (ie. cheap ) lines
  18. Backtracked a bit on the previous link I posted, tons of pics of old Canadian/Ontario lures here, a few remember from my dad's tackle box http://www.picturetrail.com/muskokasun
  19. The first one is an automatic fly reel. Oldtimers may remember the Canadian AL&W tackle company. Seems that reel was made offshore and imported by them, seeing it is stamped made in Japan. Some may find this link interesting: http://ontariolures.com/lurecompanies/allcocklaight.html
  20. I'd say head to Long Point Bay, would be your biggest bang per mile travelled.
  21. this is the greylag/canada cross from Forty Creek, he has been there a few years now, sired a few offspring I think
  22. These guys interbreed with a Canada's , we've got a couple down at the mouth of Forty Mile Creek, then things really get interesting hence my former Heinz 57 comment http://www.flickr.com/groups/hybridbirds/d...57601783757808/
  23. It is a domestic goose , looks like it has a lot of Greylag Goose in it, maybe something else, Heinz 57 of the goose world.
  24. There was a time when a quickstrike rig with 2 trebles would get you in trouble, more than 4 hooks. Trebles were only deemed to be a single hook when part of a lure. So as to circumvent this ruling there was a practice of putting a bead and a small willowleaf blade on a quickstrike with 2 trebles making it a lure. Maybe some other older members may remember this and it still may be the case .
  25. My go to lure for yellow pickerel on Erie has been jointed Canadian Wigglers, firetiger, chartreuse/green or Jack of Diamonds. You can hang half a crawler off the front treble if things are slow.
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