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Phil 65

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Everything posted by Phil 65

  1. I have I changed it to the 3 blade prop and it worked out great !
  2. Go for the best one you can afford / 100 cable is great with the clarity of Simcoe . I learned more in 2days watching with the aqua view than 30 years from the top side
  3. come on guys I have never missed an opening day because of ice in 32 years . and it isn't going to be this year either . we will be floating out there soon enough .
  4. I have done this twice both times changed carpet to marine vinyl bought it from a supplier in barrie off of maple view / they had different colour choices available cost me around $200.00. i believe it is brydon marine products good people to deal with
  5. Wow looks good can almost smell it Mmmmm
  6. what a week either way too cold or now too windy looks like sunday will be a busy day on the lakes
  7. had the same happen to me 2 years in a row oct 8 41" musky next year same date 42" same fish weird >
  9. Hey guys the wife surprised me with a trip to andersons lodge at lac seul . I knew we were taking the week off together but this is out of left field . any tips for the trip & fish of a lifetime .
  10. I am a painter with 25 year plus experince this is what i recommend you use http://ca.video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0S00xvZJoxRg1IAaWcWFQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTBrc3VyamVwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQD?p=arbor+coat+stain&vid=d61cacf5ce9bc6c6b2ff2e491251cfa4&l=1%3A02&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DV.4923051412097768%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DtrjKKP5Vtfc&twit=ARBORCOAT+Waterborne+Exterior+Stain&c=5&sigr=11a0p3jjm&age=0&fr=rogers-yhs1&tt=bwell worth the money and if you need tips on any issue please feel free to pm me
  11. cleanned a few of the lakers caught today they were full of smelt I know why they chased and didnt hit still full .
  12. I have tried for white fish with the gulp minnows on a 2 and 3 way spreader ! nothing yet has hit it or lost one on the rig . but i do tip all my badboy jigs with the 3" minnow with great success. hope this help just my observations so far
  13. this fish saved the day for me top water lure before sun set
  14. My worst first day was working as a painter on an exterior job stripping paint on an old bank downtown toronto. 2 hrs in I set the bank on fire and had to run in to let the manager know the ceilng and underhang were smoldering away and that we should call the fire department and evacuate the staff & customers .4 hrs later after the caos was over and fire department came and went the boss shows up on site sees the black fire damage the closed notice on the bank doors an # 6 painters standing around ready to throw me under the bus . i will never forget his face when he walked up to me and was waiting for an explanation as to what just happened and i said guess you never had the fire department show up to one of your jobs before have you ! I have worked with him on many projects off and on for the last 20 years hes a good man Oh and he fired everyone of the guys who pointed a finger at me and didnt help out .
  15. thanks for the report the fishing has sure slowed down around the point since early ice may have to try much deeper ?
  16. hey skud i was the guy in flip over frabil walked past you around sun set . you did well nice pics
  17. had the same problems with them regarding new poles they told me no cods to canada . I offered to pay shipping cost up front was in my hand a week later the girl serving me was great went out of her way to help . also the manager a bass pro said he would add it to one of his order if i was willing to wait .
  18. fished with the side scan unit for two seasons now very impressed it have confirmed my beliefs about the structure I fish and if you troll deep weedlines wow are you going to be blown away , the gps is a bonus i have the 997 model with seperate gps attenna & barametric presure sensor never regretted the purchase price $1350.00 . only wish I could use it on the hard water !!!!!!.
  19. Maybe his momma never told him not to play with his food .LOL
  20. HEY Turtle . Prep it up with a light sand & degrease it 2 coats of tremclad you should be good to go did the same with my prop 40 hp merc still looks as good as the day I painted it . if you want some added protection try 2 or 3 coats of a clear sealer or epoxy . hope this helps . .
  21. Hi this is the product to use the other 2 paint are latex based not good for hulls interior maybe . MooreSpec Industrial Coatings M24 D.T.M. (Direct to Metal) Alkyd Semi-Gloss.
  22. Was anybody else catching today , were you beating dead water . I have fished 3 in a boat with everone using the same bait / lure and seen guys not catch . its what makes this the best sport in the world . you never know it all . never give up you just have to out think a fish how hard could that be . LOL .
  23. I have to agree with ld 17 his method outlined is ideal for a marina application it what i would do if wanted the best long term results . But ,I have in the past used a product that bonds to all metals and requires no primer at all .gets harder as it cures. sounds to good to be true. Its called DTM oil base paint ( direct to metal ) benjamin moore paints sells it . about $ 60.00 a gallon . any colour you want /industrial line can be rolled / sprayed hvlp or airless / cup . drys fast can be recoated in a couple hours . have repainted 2 boats with it have yet to be diappointed even washes up with the power washer in the spring . as a painting contrator for the past 25 years I can tell you prep is crucial don't short cut on a little elbow grease . hope this helps you can alway buy a small quart of it test out wont be able to scratch it off with a chisel when it drys . good luck .
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