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Phil 65

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Everything posted by Phil 65

  1. I think all you need now is confidence its the best thing I have ever tied to my line . there is no magic lure or bait .
  2. at last check you would have a 25' jump to safe ice from shore . not worth the soaking went home .
  3. Hi Guys I need your help finding the Owner of a portable ( clam corp ) thermal model fold over ice hut . Was out off cooks bay during march break found it partially frozen in the ice & vandelized . pulled it off the lake with my son called local police filled a report with them . I have it stored with care at my residence . This is a very new unit 2008 or 09 plastic shipping was still on some poles . only the owner would be able to discribe contents left inside . you can contact inisfill police or respond to me . I am sure somebody is looking for this . any help would be apprieciated .
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