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Everything posted by Familyfisherman

  1. Other than the GB size limit error what else are you referring to? Just curious...
  2. Ron I love your tag line... I think God mixes that up for a lot of us...
  3. Obviously one of the rare Chinohos we've all read so much about... Good thing you released it...it would surely taste simply awful
  4. Yep, slow down -- metallic on sunny days -- more colour and slower retrieves on dull days. Even completely pausing the retrieve for a looooong time when the bite is off...especially for fall bass -- VERY hard to just sit there with a jerk or crankbait, but if it's a suspending model just leave it there...you can wait up to 2 or even 3 minutes, then twitch it and BANG! Deadly on slow days...I can hear you thinking "that doesn't work"... but believe me, it works...
  5. Excellent thread. I've only fished with any success since 2005 when I acquired a boat. Since then I've learned MANY things from some excellent fisherman...however, I've had almost no lessons on fish handling and safe realease practices. No one's fault but my own -- it just isn't a popular topic on message boards... You've made some excellent points -- all true. Preparation is 75% of the battle...if you have a good idea of what you'd like to do beforehand than carrying it out is much easier. Fall bass are a good example -- net, quick pic, back she goes...but the times I've attempted to weigh a fish we've dropped them numerous times, kept them out close to 2 minutes, etc -- all unnecessary, and I'm sure quite harmful -- and these are the larger fish that we all respect that much more. Time to do better in this regard. Thanks for posting.
  6. Looks like a great day, thanks for the report!
  7. We caught 2 of them this summer fishing for panfish on docks with the kids...VERY hard to get them freed. They actually ate the worm/hook...mouth is extremely tough. The second time the hook came out and went into the front leg...I quickly gave up trying to remove it as the turtle was snapping angrily at me and the pliers, so I was forced to cut the line. Scared the kids. Not really as fun as you might think...they're big, heavy, ugly, and while I don't know this first hand I'd say they can take at least a finger...
  8. Nice job. What cranks are you favouring?
  9. Interesting...wonder how many of the lighter bites showed up on the rod? You're an idiot for getting so close to that storm though
  10. It is simple...but rather boring. They also paid $1m to the air force didn't they to have the logo? I like the idea of giving money to the airforce, but it hardly seems necessary to have a boring logo...? Most hockey fans won't even get the connection between the Jets and having the Air Force located there... Overall the reaction has been negative from what I've heard...I agree with the majority...boring... I'd have gone with the original logo and just changed the colours up a bit to sell more jerseys... M 2 cents anyways.
  11. Thanks -- I think I'll go that way -- light jigs with worms, etc -- catches everything. There's a couple of nice weedbeds to use cranks for walleye and we might pick up a bass or 2 there, but to catch bluegill, crappies, rock bass, sunfish, etc -- small jigs tipped with worms. Thanks.
  12. The tourney is out of Elim Lodge in the south end. It is Sept 9-11th. We've never had it too busy in previous years, but perhaps this year will be different. The slot for walleye makes that a bit tricky, although last year we managed quite a few in the slot. We also accidentally hooked 3 muskie...landed 0, since we're primarily using 6lbs test Only lost one jig though, so that was nice...fish all looked fine as they swam slowly away I agree with the jig/worm -- catches most species. We also found the small 1/32nd slurpies worked well, although with the small hooks they have some of the larger bass we hooked jumped and got off... It's a combination men's christian retreat and a derby -- we've really enjoyed it in previous years. Thanks for the input.
  13. I'm in a tournament -- well, really a derby -- next weekend on Pigeon Lake. It's a species tournament, the winner being the one who catches the most number of different species...Musky not included. Just wondering about 2 things: 1. What might be good options for Crappie? and 2. What might work for larger bass? I've never managed any larger bass, and this is my 3rd year in this derby...and I'm yet to catch a crappie. Glad for any input -- live bait is allowed, but I've never used it previously as it's a catch and release tourney...we don't fish much into the evenings either...mostly daytime hours. Thanks in advance. Kevin
  14. So sad when you watch that video -- his wife seems like a lovely lady and with the growing family...just awful. You can look like you have it all together, but life can really wear people down. Too bad he wasn't able to get some help...
  15. As if they aren't ugly enough
  16. Great fish! Too bad about your buddy's fish...sounds like you're right on 'em.
  17. Fantastic catch, and an even better release...many people would've been so worried about pictures and measurements they'd have forgone the release... Wow.
  18. We were at Wonderland with the kids...in the water area...seemed to cause some waves in the large pool? Oh...that's the wave pool... Didn't feel anything, but I'm wondering if they might've on some of the bigger rides? Glad I wasn't on one.
  19. Now that's funny
  20. Nice to see he has his mother's looks Great job -- love to see the kid's "catching" it Kevin
  21. I played "AAA" hockey all through and rep baseball and lacrosse, etc -- did TONNES of fundraising. We did bottle drives, and a huge garage sale, but never sold almonds or cheese or any of that. The best thing we ever did was work the local bingo parlour -- kids had to go around bringing cards and dabbers, drinks, whatever -- our entire team did it for 3 months, and we raised $10k MORE than we needed to go to Europe. Happy to give if people are earning the money. But don't like to give when they just ask for it so their (often) spoiled kids just get to go to a few more tournaments that they don't appreciate or get fancy coats and matching pants to wear so they can make fun of kids who don't get such things. Kids today are terribly spoiled for the most part in my opinion -- they get far too much -- I don't think it'll end well. My 2 cents.
  22. Nice work Greg -- a great day weather-wise and a great day fishing. Glad to see someone out there having fun!
  23. We've been 5 times. It is a complete waste of money if the kids are older than 5 -- between 2-5 it's ok, but expensive. The sports area has some go carts that are fun, but they cost even more money...I have 4 kids that are now 10, 8, 5 and 3, and we took our last trip there last year, just isn't worth it now that we have Wonderland passes.
  24. Some great pics there, thanks for sharing those! I live here in Barrie -- pretty much in the center of town. In the evenings my kids and I will walk 50 yards into the woods behind our home and catch specs -- biggest is 14 inches so far, but most are 8-10 inches...I say that cause I feel guilty that you're driving 2.5 hours and sleeping (poorly) in your truck to catch similar fish...although I do understand the remoteness and quiet is certainly a benefit. Again, great pics of some gorgeous fish.
  25. We fished from Dunnville Monday -- in the snow It was our first time, just my dad and myself. We caught 4 and lost waaay more -- first time using circle hooks...takes some getting used to. Fish were all in the 10-13lb range on the scale. Water was high and muddy, visibility was 3-4 inches maybe. Skip the morning, we fished 11-3pm and all bites were after 12:30pm. Most of the fish were quite yellow...meaning they'd been in the river a while Anyways, good luck if you go...
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