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Everything posted by Familyfisherman

  1. It appears Severn Sound isn't a popular destination right now
  2. Hey folks, Considering fishing the Severn Sound area for Pike/Walleye this week. Never fished there before. Just wondered where we might be best to consider launching and parking? I understand the fishing is reasonable all over the area. We were thinking of using large gliding baits/jerkbaits for pike, and jigs/swimbaits for walleye. Glad for any input. Thanks.
  3. Give it up already...it's been a horrible year, why end it with something much worse? Season's over...go get your boats ready for after the ice is gone...which won't be long.
  4. I'd second that...Not sure if the lake will be safe out in the main lake by that time...crazy year. Ryan will help you stay busy and is your best bet at larger fish on Simcoe. Good luck -- [email protected] if you prefer email... Kevin
  5. Interesting comments. The Williams ice jig is the top of the list for anyone targeting whitefish on Simcoe. Also works for lakers, but the strategy is a bit different. The side hooks can snag a fish, especially if, like many do, you rip the jig 6 feet off bottom. If you fish it this way, you won't get half the fish, and you'll snag most of them. The lure is to be used in the bottom 6 inches....slooooowly. Most often as stated the fish press it to bottom or just barely tap it while it rests near bottom. Use braid, flouro leader (6 or 8lb) and lift up, let it down, always hitting bottom. Most fish will be on the treble, a few will have both the treble and the side hooks. If you take them off you'll miss a few, but it still works fine. No pearls, no minnows -- not necessary. Hammered half and half is best imo. Other strategies work, but I use this lure 85% of the time every time out...cause it works. The gong show in spring when the fish school off Jackson's Point is a different story...TONNES of snaggers all ripping jigs and keeping illegal fish...it's rediculous. But this isn't the lure's fault, it's the so called "fishermen"...
  6. I have a 17 ft Legend XCalibur with a 115hp Merc...get an 18 footer with a 150hp imo. Can't ski well with a 115hp. OK for tubing, not skiing. Also be careful of the pitch on the motor...makes a big difference. Get a full windshield -- very good on cold days making long runs. Mine has a Bimini top, full cover, etc -- all came with the boat. I paid $16k in 2005, its a 2003. Came with riggers, etc. It's been excellent for me, especially on Simcoe and other bigger lakes -- nice deep V so the ride is dry. You should be able to get an excellent boat a year or two old in the early $20's I think. For $30k you can get EXACTLY what you want. As always, overall performance will have as much to do with your maintenance and treatment as it will with the initial brand name...many make an excellent boat. Happy Shopping.
  7. Online isn't all that easy...I renewed it after several attempts in November...still haven't received anything. My card is expired as well as the license...so I guess I just fish and say "it's in the mail" ?? I'm sure there's lots of issues we don't know about in this regard, but seems to be very poorly done.
  8. I wear ties weekly at work...need more than 10 for sure. If you changed these polls to "how many shirts you actually HAVE" and people had to actually count their shirts/ties that would be pretty interesting...sadly I'm sure everyone's numbers would be MUCH higher than they realize...
  9. Tried the Notty near Baxter this morning (Thurs)...up about a foot, VERY dirty...give it a couple days...only a couple fish, although a Beaver did swim by within a few feet which was interesting...
  10. Agreed. I run my Jiffy with the same mix and it starts every year without issue...I ran stabil in it all the time and have had no problems...auger is 7 yrs old. I cut 10-12 holes per outing, 20+ outings per year. As stated, put the cover on the blade and protect it as best you can...the blade dictates how fast the hole is cut, so keep it sharp. Keep an eye on the gas cap for leaking, etc. Try not to let it get banged around on sleds/ATVs by strapping it down tightly. Enjoy! You'll be so glad you have a gas auger...moving is so much easier, and you don't sweat and get cold. Now if you could do something about the weather that'd be helpful..
  11. Christmas vacation is way out in front...Elf is a distant second....for comedy. It's a Wonderful Life is still the all time best Christmas Movie in my mind though...
  12. Good advice thanks guys. I'll try again next week and hopefully have something worth posting
  13. I'm fairly new to bottom bouncing for stealhead...in fact I've been out, ah, once I noticed I seemed to be missing bites. I'm just wondering if it had something to do with my set up or my technique? I'm using a 10'6 graphite rod, a Pflueger reel with 8lb braid and 6lb flouro leader. I had a #10 hook and roe bag, and was adding enough small BB weights to get to bottom about 10 inches above the hook...I think I may not have had enough weight, as I wasn't consistently feeling bottom...I think I had 4 very small bb's? I wondered if the line on top was getting ahead of my bait since the flow is slightly faster on top? I was waiting for the double taps before setting with a sweep hookset, but it didn't seem to be happening much... Anyways, glad for some advice on line, technique, etc...I'm not experienced at steelheading... Thanks! I did enjoy the day anyways, and didn't get blanked, so that's a good start
  14. Awful thread. I have 2 friends who were bitten in the face as kids, both have major scarring...one is a guy, one is a girl -- not that it's completely different but the girl really suffered from the scarring. Both dogs were large, and were family pets without prior incidents...but things happen... I live in Barrie, several years ago in Alcona (if I remember correctly) a family dog tore out of the yard, grabbed a 4-year old by the neck and shook her to death before the owner could get there...it was a dog with a locking jaw, etc...in a separate incident in a small community near Barrie a mastif and a pitbull together attacked and killed several (I think 4 or 5) neighbourhood cats/dogs before the owner realized they had tunnelled under the fence while he was at work...they were going out terrorizing the area during the day and returning before he arrived back. The serial killings ended when the two attacked and ripped a cat to pieces in front of 12 8 year olds at a neighbouring house celebrating a birthday party, and they knew the dogs and reported it. In each case the animals were eventually destroyed. I'm not blaming specific breeds, or big dogs for that matter...but, if you plan to own a larger breed, especially one that has a history of biting, you simply MUST keep them leashed and under control -- do the work necessary to train them -- IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. If anyone in my family suffered something like that I would be VERY frustrated. We just got a new golden doodle...obviously not a feared breed, but it is a big dog and we've been working to train her. She's almost 5 mths -- so far so good. I agree with many -- OWNERS NEED TO BE FOUND LIABLE MORE OFTEN...perhaps that would stop the senseless and preventable attacks.
  15. Got it, great. Brown...makes sense, it was caught right near a big log jam.
  16. Caught this today in the Notty near Alliston. Any idea what it is? Never caught one before...picture isn't very good...fish was VERY silver and the spots are red and quite spread out...
  17. I'm waiting till Monday...temp warms a bit...I'm all soft from my "desk" job If you get a chance get out, the steelies have been just awesome this fall on almost every trib I've read about...
  18. I saw that testing some time ago and was glad to read it. The way I'm interpreting those results, it seems that some of the flouros do a better job of keeping up with the claims -- BPS in my opinion seems to be amongst the leaders, and is often cheaper to buy, so that's the one I favour...even though I don't like BPS products, pricing, etc in general. One thing that really effects performance is age -- flouro doesn't last nearly as long as braid. I'd suggest 2 things to increase your success with it: 1. Test knots before use, and wet the line when tying knots, and 2. Buy smaller spools of flouro and only use them for one season. Performance will be optimal, and you'll spend a bit less on smaller spools, and have less to throw out at the end of the season. That said, as a leader material I've had no real issues to speak of, although always test knots to save frustration when landing fish.
  19. Just fantastic fish! Very well done!
  20. Good move for sure! More risk, MUCH more reward. Some work too much -- hire excellent staff -- NEVER settle...that way the work can continue even when you aren't there. No one ever says on their deathbed they wished they spent more time at work...as MM says, take time for youself. A happy business owner is a far more effective business owner...of course, too much fishing and you'll need to fish to eat, but you'll find that balance Well done!
  21. It was reported yes. Single tag, 4.75lbs estimated, released. Tag was yellow...sent the info to Wil Wegman I think...a friend passed it along. Thanks for the offer! Last year we caught a VERY large fish with 2 tags on it...nice to see the research going on!
  22. Very easy, yes. And yes, many Fridays weather and work permitting...
  23. Headed out with a friend and my dad this morning -- about 7am start. Took 20 minutes or so trying to figure them out -- slow start...till my dad left his spoon flat on bottom for about 10 seconds to tie his shoe, then... John picked up on this "do nothing approach", and a couple minutes later... His fish was tagged, #5438... I finally caught on...eventually Angelic shot I thought... We ended up with 7 fish, top 5 might've been 21-22lbs, no giants. We were in by 10am...very nice day out there. Good luck to those heading out tomorrow...go early, bite dies fast...
  24. Yeah I'm not worried, we were clearly targeting pike -- we had 6 pike boated, then caught 2 absolute monster smallies in 2 casts...I took a pic of the first, after the second we left the area...we were using 8 inch rapalas, leaders, and 50lb braid... Of course they were released...but I thought it was worth a picture...that fish in November might've been well over 7lbs...truly a giant in my mind... Targeting OOS fish isn't cool, but if you fish areas with mixed species it happens... Anyways, yes, I'll keep the Avatar
  25. That one was 6.9lbs on the digital scale...it hit an 8 inch rapala while pike fishing in May...so it was OOS, but it's the biggest I've landed....so far
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